Chapter 10:It's Over Isn't It

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A/N:Hey fluffybears!So,up there is a pic of a depressed Frisk.I do not own that art.And the video/song,"It's Over,Isn't It?"So play the song when I tell you!And I'm gonna e changing some of the lyrics.See ya!


Frisk's P.O.V.

And with force she grabbed his arms and...

What I see before me,broke my soul into millions of pieces...

She kissed him...Pressing her lips onto his teeth.And I think Sans liked it...

I felt my tears fall down as I kneeled on the ground...

"ReMeMbEr ThE cOnSeQuEnCeS...YoU oNlY hAvE a FeW dAyS uNtIl iT's YoUr DeCiSiOn..."

I cried more as I heard those evil,menacing words...

Until Fuku Fire broke the kiss,needing for air.She released Sans...But he was I think...completely in daze.

"F-Fri-Frisk!T-Th-That didn't m-mean anything!"Sans called."SAY WHAT?!Come on,Sansy~...I think it's about time Frisk knows what's up..."She said with a smile.

"F-Frisk,I-"Sans was cut off by me shouting."TELL ME!"

He signed..."Me and Fuku are dating...For the past 3 years..."(A/N:DUN DUN DUN!!!PLZ DON'T KILL ME!!!)

I kneeled on the grass in shock.More tears flowed down.Humans and monsters we're all over the place.

I stood up,weakly."I-I'm sorry."he tried to apologize and hug me but I took a step backward."HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON ME?!CHEAT ON HER?!CHEAT ON BOTH OF US?!TRICK ME?!BREAK MY HEART?!HUH?!ARE YOU DUMB?!"I shouted."WE ARE OVER!!!"(A/N:😱💔😭)

Then all the waters around the place rose.Wrapping my hands."YOU *BEEP*!!!"I shouted and the waters hit Sans and Fuku Fire.

The water weakend Fuku.Sans was soaking wet.I felt my chocolate brown eyes turn into colorful rainbow eyes.Then a violet and blue magic rope appeared on my hand and wrapped Sans."F-Frisk..."he pleaded.

I gasped as I realized what I was doing.My rainbow eyes turned back to brown.The violet and blue magic rope faded away.Sans fell on the ground.

I looked at everyone.Whispering about me.Talking about me.Looking at me like I'm some weirdo and a freak..."I-I...I-I'm sorry..."I stuttered.

Until I couldn't take it anymore...

I ran.Running like my life depended on it.I'm so afraid.I don't want to hurt anyone...And I just lost one of my loved one...Sans...

I can't lose another one...Another one I loved...

I ran and arrived at Waterfalls Lake.

Fuku Fire's P.O.V.(A/N:WOW!)

I struggled to stand up.I never wanted any of this chaos to happen.Yes I'm clingy with Sans and I love him...But I never wanted this to happen.I was...possessed...By someone I don't know...

Then she looked at me with her red eyes.She grinned evily and faded away...She finally released me.I mouthed a thank you...

Frisk's magic water really made me worn out and weak.Since I'm made of fire.Luckily I still have 13 HP...

Sans' P.O.V.

I watched as Frisk ran paway.I felt sorry,guilty and sad.

I mouthed a sorry as I stood up.I noticed Fuku Fire struggling to stand up.Her expression seemed...surprisingly sorry...

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