Chapter 3:Back To The House

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A/N:Yay!Hi mah fluffybears!They're a bit of the feels here so yah...Not too much!Just a little!A lil' of the feels.And some kawaii stuff.Bye!


Frisk's P.O.V.

I walked inside with the rest of the gals,laughing our butts off as I kept talking about him.My red blush still there.When we opened the door,there I saw Papyrus and Asriel.But one monster caught my eyes,he didn't seem to care.


But I swear he has a tint of blue on his face.I blushed more.He just looks so adorable!

Then,all of the sudden,Undyne nudged me on the arm.I looked at her with confusion.She looked at Sans then to me.


I shook my head slightly,but seems like Sans noticed what I did."Y'kay kid?"

"Yeah,I'm fine..."I reassured him.Then,all of the sudden,Sans' phone beeped,making us all startled.

It continued beeping.Must be a call...

"Sorry,peeps.I gotta take this..."he said and walked out to the backyard...

Being the curious childish person I am...Not really..I decided to follow him.

Sans' P.O.V.

I walked to our backyard and held my phone in my hand.Toriel's calling.

Hmm...What could be the reason?

I held my phone in my skull after answering the call.


Toriel:Hi Sans,how's Frisk?How's Asriel?How are my children?

Sans:Woah,Tori.Hey yourself!The kids are fine!

Toriel:Thanks.Anyway,Sans.I forgot to tell you.Frisk's been having nightmares for a week...She won't tell anyone about it...The family is very worried.Please assist her...

Sans:N-Nightmares?Don't worry,Tori.Everything is fine.I'm not kid-ding around.As Paps would say,"Worry not!"

Toriel:*sigh*Thanks,Sans...I would talk more but I work today.I just have to tell you this...

Sans:It's okay,Tori.We may be together fur a while.So she'll be fine...

Toriel:Thank you Sans.Good bye.

Sans:Bye Tori.


I hanged up and placed the phone back to my pocket.

Why could she have nightmares?Is she remembering the other timelines like me?I mean,of course she does.She have the power to reset.

I walked to the door and was greeted by...Frisk?


She was crying on the door,kneeled down,tears pouring down her rosy cheeks.

She must have remembered her nightmares...

"Frisk..."She looked up to me with her tear soaked face."S-Sans?"

"Everything is alright...Those nightmares won't bother you anymore..."I said as I kneeled down to her.I used my magic to make my boney hands feel human-like and wiped her tears away.

I smiled softly as she smiled at me weakly."C'mon..."I said and held her hand.I stood with her standing up beside me and we started to walk towards the others.

"Sans,how does your hand feel like a human's hand?"she asked."Magic,kiddo...Now come on,I'm cold to the bone..."I answered.She giggled."How are you cold?"she asked,still giggling.I chuckled with her.

We went back to the others.

"Why don't we change into our PJs for the rest of the day?"Asriel asked."Sure!"Frisk cheered.

"B-But where will w-we change?T-There are o-only one bathroom h-here and three r-rooms?Papyrus' r-room,S-Sans' room and the l-living room..."Alphys asked.

"Oh.Why don't Undyne and Alphys change in the living room,me and Papyrus in Papyrus' room,Asriel in the bathroom and Sans and Frisk in Sans' room."Mettaton suggested.(A/N:No,don't worry!Sorry you lil' sinners.But there's no maturity here!)"OH HELL NO!THERE'S NO WAY I'M LETTING YOU CHANGE WITH MY BROTHER!"I objected."C'mon Sans."Undyne said."Or I'll make you..."

I chuckled slightly."Fine..."

"Yeah!I'm changing with myself!"Asriel cheered.Then I noticed Frisk was blushing red.Then I realized we'll be sharing the same room.Gosh...

"S-So,I g-guess we'll be in t-the same room,k-kiddo..."I stuttered.WHY DO I HAVE TO STUTTER?!"Y-Yeah..."she stuttered as well.

I then walked to Mettaton."You did this on purpose,didn't you..."I whispered."Yes,darling.Have a problem with that?I know you have a crush on Frisk..."she whispered back."I'll dunk you so *BEEP* hard..."I whispered."Oh...Uh...Papyrus!"he panicked and grabbed Papyrus' hand.He quickly grabbed his bag with his clothes inside.They then walked to Paps' room.Well,he dragged him to his room.

"Well,see ya later!"Asriel shouted and ran to the bathroom.

It's just me,Frisk,Undyne and Alphys."Well,punks,get to Sans' room."Undyne said.I nodded and held Frisk's hand.She grabbed her bag and we walked to my room,shaking.Our faces like a tomato and a blubbery.

"A-Are you sure y-you wanna do t-this,k-ki-kiddo?"I asked."S-Sure..."she replied.We walked inside and closed the door shut.


I walked to my closet and took out a plain white shirt and some black shorts.Then,I looked at Frisk who is still blushing.Heh,I'm blushing too.

"S-Sans...Please don't l-look..."she said."Can't make any promises."I teased.Then she looked at me.She laughed loudly."OH MY GOSH,SANS!"she shouted while laughing."Hey,I'm just kidding..."I snickered."Seriously,tho."I said as she started to calm down.

She stayed at the other side of the room while I walked to the other side of the room.I started to undress and wear my new clothes.PJs to be exact.And within 2 minutes I'm done.

"You done,kiddo?"I asked."Yeah!"she replied.

I turned around and there I saw her in pink PJs.The heart pendant still on her which is shining.The pink PJs have cupcakes all over the place.

She looks adorable!

I blushed a tint of blue more."What do you think?"she asked."Oh,you look good,pretty girl-"Oh I can't believe I said that."PRETTY GOOD!Pretty good!"I said.She nodded at me."You don't look bad yourself.Just like you when your out of your jacket."she teased."Thanks."

We walked out of my room and we saw everyone there in their PJs.




Finally done!I started writing this last night then we had to sleep early because my mom is tired.I'm finally done!Yap!Well...I don't have anything else to say,so...

Bye fluffybears!Luv you!

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