Ch. 53 Bun in Her Oven, Hole in My Heart

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~ Three days later ~

{ P E R R I E }

"Just taste it," I urged. 

"Nuh-uh," Jade insisted, folding her arms. "It's icky."

"You've never even had it!"

We were in Chicago, sitting alone in the bus. Everyone had gone out to sightsee, but Jade wanted to take me to do that tomorrow. We'd been here for two hours, and it had occurred to me that Jade had never tried real Hispanic food, other than tacos. So of course that led to me scouring around for the best Mexican restaurant in the city. We got it to go, and now here I am, attempting to get her to try fried plantains, or platanos.

"I know I won't like it."

"No you don't."

She shook her head again. "No." 


"Why do you want me to try it so bad?"

I sighed, putting the fork down. "I don't know. I just do."

"But it's disgusting!"

I growled, poking her arm. "You don't know that! It's delicious, just give it a chance." 

I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, jutting out my lower lip.

She sighed. "You really want me to?"

"I really want you to."

She closed her eyes, taking several deep breaths. Slowly, she opened her mouth wide enough for me to pop the fork in. She immediately wrinkled her nose, but I grabbed her chin, moving it up and down, making her chew it thoroughly, then swallow it. 

"Now. Tell me it's not amazing."

She slowly opened her eyes, a small smile on her face. "It's not . . . horrible."

I jumped up and attacked her in a huge hug. "I knew you'd love it!"

She chuckled. "I never said I loved it."

I rolled my eyes and before she could stop me, I popped another piece into her mouth. This time, she didn't need me to help her chew and swallow it.

"Okay. I love it."

I sprung from my seat again and started dancing around the bus, turning on Jade's iPod. I laughed when I hear We the Kings' 'Every Single Dollar' begin to play. I grabbed Jade's hand, pulling her out of his seat. Together we danced around like crazy, laughing the whole time.

Once it ended, I sat down breathlessly, taking a sip of my water. I gave Jade an amused look. "I didn't know you liked We the Kings." 

She shrugged. "You like them, so I want to like them too."

"Awww, you're so sweet!" I cooed, pecking her cheek. She blushed, grinning as she took another bite of her plantains, then of her pinto beans. She chewed happily.

"This stuff is really good."

I folded my arms in satisfaction. "I know."

She stuck her tongue out, finishing off her platanos, then stealing bits of mine. 

"So," I said, leaning back in my chair, "I've been thinking."

She raised an eyebrow. "About . . ."

"About kids."

"You want them?"

My eyes widened. "No way! I mean yes, but not right now! I mean kids. Or more specifically, sick kids." 

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