Ch. 68 Cold Turkeys

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~ Two and a Half Weeks Later ~

{ J A D E }

"Um . . . Jade?" Perrie asked quietly, patting my chest. We were laying side by side in our dark bunk, exhausted from tonight's concert.

"Yes, babe?"

 "I was wondering . . . for Thanksgiving . . . maybe you wanted to come over to my family's house? I know you've been bummed about not being able to go visit yours."

It was true. I'd been rather sad that I couldn't go visit my mother and brother for Thanksgiving, but Karl had consoled me by saying that I would be seeing them in only a matter of weeks . . . I was still disappointed though. By chance, we would be performing in Virginia the week of Thanksgiving, so a quick detour to Florida would be nice.

"That sounds amazing," I whispered, kissing her forehead. Her face lit up in delight. 

"You think the girls, Sam, and the Mix Men would want to come too? Mom's been talking about wanting to meet them." 

I nodded again. "It's going to be a really fun Thanksgiving."

She giggled and kissed my cheek before relaxing into the crook of my arm. "Then it's settled. I'll call my mother and make the plans. You think three days is enough of an advance notice?"

I laughed and shrugged. "Let's hope."

She drummed her fingers on my bare chest, thinking. "Oh well. We're coming whether she likes it or not. Leigh needs the practice with kids." 

I yawned loudly. "If that's what you want."

She laughed and patted my cheek. "Go to sleep, baba."

"Only if you are."

She lifted her head to kiss me softly. "I am. Goodnight. I love you."

I smiled in satisfaction, pulling her closer to me, our legs tangled under the sheets. "I love you too. Forever and always." 


{ P E R R I E }

"I'm going to call my mom now," I announced, standing up and walking towards the back room, away from the boring people on the couch. On the way, I passed my bunk, from where I could hear Jade snoring soundly. Poor thing, she needed a break. I sighed and took a seat on the couch. 

I dialed my mom's number, praying that she wasn't at work yet.

"Hello?" her 'business' voice rang through the phone.

"Hey Mom!" I chirped, realizing how much I missed her.

"Pezza, hi! What's going on?"

I cleared my throat. "Well, Thanksgiving is coming up . . ."

"I'm aware."

"Well, do you think we could all come down and spend it with you guys?"

She laughed. "Why didn't you just say so?"

I gasped. "You do realize you've just agreed to let TEN people into your home? Four of them being men?" 

She chuckled. "I handled your father, I can handle anything."

I winced at the vision of the man with whom I shared DNA. "So is that a definite yes?"

"Only if you let me invite Katherine."

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