Ch. 64 Soundproof Secrets

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{ P E R R I E }

I woke with a start, sweat clinging to the back of my neck. Holy crap. I sat up, shaking, then realized I was naked. Two nights in a row? Jeez.

From what I could tell, it was very early morning, the sun hadn't even come up yet. I looked at Jade, who was sleeping peacefully next to me, her curls adorably askew, chest exposed. Meanwhile, I was a mess.

I shuddered, remembering my awful nightmare involving my father. I had dreamed that he'd broken into my mother's house and had taken Bella, kicking and screaming, out of her bed. I dreamed that I'd had to watch him slowly cut off her limbs, listening to her blood curdling screams of agony, feeling completely helpless. In other words, my worst fears came to life.

I leaned over the edge of the bed, finding my bra and underwear and tugging them back on. I'd shower later. Right now, I just needed to get some air. 

I walked to my suitcase in my undergarments, looking for some clothes. I settled on simply a pair of running shorts and one of Jade's t-shirts. I quickly scribbled a note to her and left it on my pillow. I softly kissed her forehead, then ran out, trying to escape that awful tight feeling in my chest. 

I jogged up the cool California sidewalk, feeling like with every step I took I was leaving my dad and his ways behind. It was like I couldn't shake him off, no matter how hard I tried. This was my new life that I was starting, hopefully with Jade and the girls. I was truly happy for once, and I'll be damned if I'm going to be the reason for the end of my own happiness. Stupid subconscious. 

I ran all the way to a nearby Starbucks, which was actually open. I slipped inside and ordered a tall iced latte, taking a seat in the back booth. 

"Wanna talk about it?"

I looked up to see the barista who'd taken my order, watching me intently. She was around my age, maybe a year or two older. Was it that easy to tell how upset I was? 

I sighed and thought about it. It couldn't hurt I suppose. I nodded slowly, and she immediately came from around the counter and took a seat next to me, bringing two cookies and giving one to me. I was the only customer, considering how early it was, so I guess she was allowed.

"Thanks," I said quietly, breaking off a piece and popping it into my mouth. 

"No problem. So," she started slowly, "what's on your mind? I don't get many people around here this early, especially someone as famous as yourself." 

My eyes widened. "You know me?"

She rolled her eyes. "You don't just tour with one of the world's most popular bands and expect not to get recognized. You're Perrie Edwards. But that's not why I came over here. I came over here because you're just a girl who looks like she needed someone to talk to." 

I smiled at her kindness. "Thank you. I appreciate that."

She simply winked and took another bite of her cookie. "So talk. Tell me what's wrong." 

I shrugged. "I don't really know. I just had an awful nightmare, about my father-"

"Say no more. I know how you feel. My family was as twisted as yours, except it was my mom who was the crazy one." 

Now I was intrigued. "Really? It's hard to find people who relate to my story." 

She smiled ruefully. "Not many of the people who do have gotten as fortunate as you have." 

I blushed, wondering if that was supposed to be a dig at me. "If you think that I don't appreciate every one of my fans-"

Her eyes widened. "No way. I think you're sick. I saw what happened on Kelly Ripa's show. We all have mad respect for you. You got balls." 

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