Romantic Gestures (part 2)

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{ P E R R I E }

"Will Perrie Edwards please approach the stage?"

Did I hear that right? Someone was calling for me?

"I would go if I were you," Jesy whispered, nudging me. I nodded and hesitantly stood and walked forwards. In front of the mic stood someone I did not expect to see.


My jaw dropped. She smiled nervously and gave me a small wave. She had to look down a bit to see me, since the stage was rather elevated, about two or three feet off the ground. We met eyes and then she looked away, at her 'audience', which consisted of the people who were here for dinner.

"Now, can I have everyone's attention?" she asked. I turned around to see people slowly setting their cutlery down and twisting their chairs to watch. I spun to face Jade again. She smiled and waved to everyone.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Sorry for the interruption. This will just take a second. My name is Jade," she introduced. I heard gasps of recognition, but if Jade heard, she ignored it. "This beautiful girl right here? Her name is Perrie," she said, pointing at me. I felt people's eyes on my back, but I couldn't turn to face them. It was all I could do not to run back to my seat. I settled for blushing like crazy ad looking down at my feet. Jade kept talking. "I'm here because I have a secret. I'm madly in love with Perrie," she confessed. My head snapped up, but my stomach dropped low. I heard several gasps behind me, but I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe.

"But today, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I hurt her, and it's something I'll never forgive myself for," she said, looking sad. "So now I stand before you, to let everyone in this room know, to let her know, that I vow to never do it again." The crowd 'awwed'. My face showed no emotion, but inside, my brain was on overload. Where was this going? Jade looked down at me. "Perrie, I just want you to know that I think you're the loveliest, kindest, truest, funniest, craziest, sexiest, girl that I've ever met." The crowd laughed. I looked down, my cheeks matching my shoes. But she wasn't done yet. My eyes started to water.

"Your voice sends shivers up my back, and the way you light up a room just by your smile is breathtaking. You never let others' cruelty get you down, and the confidence you have in yourself is admirable. You're down-to-earth and modest, you're thoughtful and caring. You're stronger than most of us ever will be, and your love life regardless of your past. You are my inspiration, my dream, my everything. I know I've done nothing to deserve you, but will you give me the absolute hon our of being able to call you mine?" the crowd went nuts, but I didn't notice. I only had eyes for Jade, as she crouched low, leveling her eyes with mine. She dropped her voice down to a whisper, meeting my gaze. "Perrie, I promise to love you everyday of forever. Will you be my girlfriend?" she asked, reaching into the pocket of her jacket she was wearing over her dress, and pulling out a jewellery box. Inside was a silver charm bracelet, decorated with music notes and small bells. My hand flew to my mouth. I felt tears that had leaked onto my cheeks.

Jade cleared her throat, still crouching, waiting for my answer. I realised that I'd been quiet until then. Jade loves me. I was in shock. And I love her. I knew if I tried to speak, my voice would fail me. So I opted for something else.

I grabbed the front of her jacket and yanked her close, crashing my lips onto hers. It was our best kiss yet. Her hand was behind my head, mine around his neck. I pulled away when I remembered we had an audience. They whistling, clapping and cheering for us. I blushed and pulled away.

"I'll take that as a yes?" she asked, cheekily. I said nothing, just threw my arms around her neck. She hopped off the stage, not breaking away. I was sobbing into her shoulder, I don't even know why. Maybe it's 'cause your princess is finally here. She hands were around my waist, her head buried into my neck, kissing it softly. "Here," she whispered, pulling away and clasping the bracelet to my wrist. I ran my fingers over it, gently shaking my hand. The bells tinkled softly, making me smile. I hugged her again, sniffling.

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