Complications (Part 2)

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{ P E R R I E }

"Hey," Leigh whispered, turning over to look at me. Yes, we were in bed together. Yes, Sam had to step in between Leigh and Jade when Jade found out about the arrangement. Like, she was about to claw Leigh. Now I was just plain frustrated with her.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"Are you mad at Jade?"

I sighed. "I don't even know. Tomorrow we're off our grounding and I can finally talk to her. I'm just frustrated."


I sighed again, turning over so I was laying on my back, staring up at the ceiling.

"I guess I'm just annoyed that no matter what I ask her to do, she either ignores me and does what she wants, or finds some way to do it in a romantic fashion, but it's still against what I said."

"So . . . this is just a respect thing?" Leigh clarified, sliding her hand down to meet mine and giving it a friendly squeeze.

I nodded. "I just want her to realise it's not all about what she wants and how she's feeling, and she has to understand when I say something, I mean it."

"Maybe she just missed you."

I abruptly sat up, flinging the covers forward. "You think I didn't?! But the difference is: I can control myself, unlike her!"

"Maybe you're just blowing this way out of proportion."

I grabbed the pillow that was behind my head, bringing it to my face and screaming into it. "I am not!"

"She was just trying to make you happy, and you're freaking out at her for it."

My jaw dropped and I let the pillow fall from my face. "I am not freaking out! You think that I don't love when she does all those sweet and romantic things for me? Because I do love it! But what I don't like is her always getting in trouble for me, or getting hurt . . ." I trailed off, surprised when the tears started streaming down my cheeks.

"Oh, Pezza," Leigh murmured, sitting up as well and wrapping her arms around me. "This isn't about respect at all, is it?"

Something in me snapped and I just decided to let it all out. "My dad could've killed her that day! Or Zayn? What if Zayn meant to stab him, and not me?! I can't be responsible for her getting hurt because of my problems!" I sobbed, crying freely into Leigh's shoulder. She rubbed my back comfortingly.

"Jade loves you so much, she doesn't care about that. She just cares about you."

"I'M NOT EVEN WORTH IT!" I screamed into her shoulder, balling my hands into fists. "I'M JUST A PATHETIC, DUMB, BLONDE FROM ENGLAND, FORCED TO MOVE TO AMERICA! I'M NOTHING!" I sobbed. "I don't deserve any of this. My dad, he's going to come back any day, and he's gonna take it all away from me. I'm just waiting to wake up one morning and be back in his bedroom, tied to his headboard, miserable and alone. Miserable and alone. And I deserve to be." I dropped my voice to a whisper, bringing my knees to my chest.

I looked up to see Leigh, eyes glassy. "Perrie," she said, her voice firm. "Don't you get it?"

I gave her a confused look. "Get what?"

She smiled and shook her head. "Perrie, you're one of the greatest girls I've ever met."

I snorted, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. "Yeah, okay. I've been stabbed, slapped, punched and kicked more than the average person, if you haven't noticed."

She chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Do you ever wonder why Jade gets so jealous? Even when you tell her that she's the only one for you"

I sighed and nodded, relaxing into the crook of Leigh's arm. "I guess."

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