Ch. 18 Scary Situations

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{ P E R R I E }

I stepped out of the terminal, into the bustling airport. My flight had been long and uneventful; I slept through most of it. Now I'm here in London, my first time out of the U.S. since I was a little tot. Only a few months old. And so far, it's exactly like I pictured it - at least the airport was. People were streaming in and out all around me, speaking on their phones in those fabulous accents. I scanned the room, searching for that electric blue head of hair I've come to love. I couldn't find them. I shrugged, figuring they're probably just late. I strolled over to a Starbucks cart and got a tall iced coffee. I stood in the middle of the large room, taking in the people. I had a feeling I was going to love it here.

"Perrie?" I heard someone call. I whipped my head in the direction of the voice, but saw nothing. Whatever. Someone tapped my shoulder, and my instincts took over. Memories flashed of my father, grabbing my arms and dragging me to his bedroom. I whirled around, grabbing the person's arm and throwing them over my shoulder and onto the ground, stepping on their chest to hold them down. It was only then that I noticed who it was.

"Jesy?!" I leaned in, to make sure it was really her. Her mouth was open in shock. I quickly lifted my foot off her, offered her my hand and helped her up.

"Nice to see you too," she grumbled, rubbing her butt. "Damn, when you said you were a black belt, you weren't lying."

"I'm so sorry! Reflexes!" I said, realizing she was really here. I attacked her in a hug and she laughed, hugging me back.

"I missed you," I mumbled against her shirt.

"I missed you too. Though not as much as Jade," she added. I popped my head up, looking around. Jesy chuckled.

"She isn't here, the other girls had a few things to finish up at the studio, so I told them I'd pick you up. She wasn't happy about it." I giggled, taking her arm and walking towards the baggage claim. We grabbed my stuff, Jesy taking two of my suitcases (because she claimed she was the stronger one), me with one more and my duffel bag.

"So, where are we going? Where am I staying?" I asked, once we were safely in the taxi.

"You'll be staying at Jade's flat for the time being," she said, smirking. "We figured it'd be cruel to keep you apart for too long."

"When am I supposed to meet Simon?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning. All the girls are coming over later today; we'll have a movie night. But for now, I figured we can grab lunch then settle in," she said. I nodded, excited.

"When are we going to the bungalow?" I asked. Jesy's eyes sparkled at the sound of our upcoming vacation.

"We have one week here, then we're off. The bungalow is great, in the middle of practically nowhere. We won't be bothered but . . ." Her shoulders slumped. "But there will be cameras." I patted her shoulder, then I got an idea.

"Well, I love taking pictures and videos . . . maybe if I got a new camera, we could film ourselves. That way, we decide what we film and what we don't. I think it'd be more personal that way too . . . ?" I suggested, nervously. Jesy snapped her head in my direction. She stared at me for a second before grabbing my face and bringing it close to hers.

"Are you being serious? 'Cause if you are, I'm not finding it funny," she whispers, her warm breath hitting my face.

"Why would I lie?" I ask, trying not to giggle in her face. Her serious expression broke into a huge grin. She released my cheeks and enveloped me in a big hug.

"Perrie, you're a genius! Why didn't we think of that before?" she said, still hugging me.

"I just want an excuse to buy a new camera," I muttered, pulling away and digging through my purse to pull out my old looking Polaroid. She takes it, holding it in her hands. She chuckled.

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