Ch. 15 Romantic Gestures

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{ J A D E }

Perrie had some nerve. I know we aren't official yet, but did she have to flirt with that Andy guy?! I couldn't hear what they said, but I could tell he was hitting on her. I asked Leigh to listen in for me, then report back what they said.

"Umm, Andy asked if she was single, she said yes. Then she leaned in his ear and whispered she had her eye one someone. Then they winked at each other," she whispered in my ear.

Let's just say it went downhill from there. I had a feeling Andy was crushing on her, I saw how he looked at her when they spoke.

My heart was shattered. Was she just playing with me? Did she actually like guys? Come to think of it, she's flirted with a lot of guys we've talked to these past few days. The bellhop at the hotel, the bus driver, some security guards, and now Andy. How could she do this to me, when it's obvious I have strong feelings for her? It was just icing on the cake when the woman in the suit told her to sit in Jesy's lap. I couldn't look at her at all during the interview, I'd start sobbing. I saw her give me a couple of confused looks. Like you don't know. I'm falling for her, but all she did was stomp on my heart.

Then, as if to confirm my beliefs, when the interview ended, Andy handed her a slip of paper. I saw a flash of what was on it - numbers - his number. She smiled and dropped it in her purse. I was crushed.

I made Leigh sit with me in the back seat of the van. Perrie looked really sad, and I almost gave up and opened my arms out for her. Be strong, Jade. As soon as we opened the door to the bus, she ran in, straight to her bunk. It took all the energy I had left not to go after her.

"What's wrong with you?" Jesy scolded. "How could you hurt her like that?"

"She started it! You saw the way she was all over that guy!" I growled, tears forming in my eyes. Jesy's eyes widened and she started shaking her head.

"And you. I saw the way you cuddled up to her. Don't pretened you didn't love having her all to yourself." I rubbed my temples, tears trickling down my cheeks. Leigh patted my back. Jesy was still shaking her head.

"Jadey, she told that guy she was single, because it's true. You haven't asked her to be your girlfriend yet, have you?" she asked. I shook my head, running my fingers through my electric blue hair.

"Not yet," I whispered. Leigh took my arm and sat me down on the couch; Jesy was on the other side.

"Jadey, she told Andy the truth. She also said she had her eye on someone. That's you," Jesy explained. I shook my head, slower this time, not fully convinced.

"But, before we left, he gave her his number! And she took it! It's in her purse right now!" I threw my hands up in the air.

"By then, she was so out of it- probably wondering what she did wrong- she didn't even notice what it was. You should have seen her face when he was hitting on her, she was repulsed. I'm sure of it," Jesy added. I sighed. I believed her. What have I done?

"You think it's too late?" I asked them, tears streaking my face. Leigh chuckled.

"It's never too late. But from here on out, you've gotta trust her. She isn't the type to be unfaithful, I just know it. I think we can all agree we love her as a sister, nothing more, so stop worrying we're trying to steal her away," she finished. I sighed, sadly, but nodded.

"It's too late now, isn't it?" I asked them. "She thinks I'm a bitch. How can I make it up to her?" Leigh and Jesy were silent for a bit. Then Leigh looked up. She'd been quiet before, but now she had a glint in her eyes that made me excited and nervous at the same time.

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