Ch. 46 Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

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{ J A D E }

I need to punch something.

Or someone, more specifically.

I can't believe that Perrie's father had the nerve to HIT her - right in front of me, or more inportantly, the millions of people watching. What a bonehead. All I felt in that moment was blinding rage, and I just reacted. I attacked him without thinking. All I know is that hurting him was one of the most satisfying feelings in my life. But it wasn't enough.

I know Perrie doesn't want me freaking out over this, but I need to let all this energy go, or I am going to explode.

I nudged Perrie, who was dozing off in my lap while we waited around to leave for soundcheck.

"I'm gonna go see if anyone wants to work out a little bit, okay?" I whispered. She lazily opened an eyelid, then nodded, crawling off of me and snuggling under the blankets.

"Have fun. Don't get killed. Love you," she murmured.

I chuckled, standing up. I tenderly kissed her eyelid, then changed into an old T-shirt and baggy shorts. I grabbed my cellphone then jogged out the door towards Jesy's room.

She opened up just after the first knock. She gave me a knowing smile.

"Your girlfriend fell asleep too?"

I laughed and nodded. "Wanna go to the gym?"

"Yep, I'll meet you down there," she said, closing the door again. I repeated this with the rest of our crew, managing to round up Leigh, Claud and Randall. The rest either wanted to sleep or relax.

We arrived at the gym together about 10 minutes later. I immediately walked over to the nearest large punching bag, setting my stuff up against the wall. Claud followed, holding the bag steady while I let my frustrations out.

"Why do I get the feeling there's a reason you wanted to come down here?" Claud asked, panting slightly as I hit the lower part of the bag hard, almost knocking the wind out of him.

"I'm. About. To. Lose. It," I grunted, emphasizing each word with a punch.

"Perrie's dad?"

Just at the mention of him, I found a renewed strength, applying more force. Claud was groaning under each hit, and I almost stopped.


I kept at it until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flashed back to when the last time someone had done that - the night we found Perrie after she'd been stabbed. Just like the last time, I fell to my knees, laying my head agains the bag. In a second Jesy and Leigh-Anne were by my side, hugging me.

That's pretty much when the tears started. And didn't seem to stop.

"I know, Jadey, I know," Leigh said, patting my back. I adjusted myself so that I was now curled up, knees to my chest, against the bag. I squeezed my eyes shut in an effort to make the tears stop, but I couldn't. I couldn't.

"Why can't they ju-just let us be hap-happy?" I stuttered, my cheeks warm and splotchy. I hastily wiped the tears away, trying to calm myself down.

"I don't know," Jesy said, draping an arm across my shoulders. "No one deserves this. Especially you two."

I sobbed again in response. I sobbed over Bella and her sisters, who were like family to me, who had to go through all this. I sobbed over the girls, who had to be my shoulder to cry on when I was weak. I sobbed over Perrie, who was perfect in every way possible, but still treated like garbage by her own flesh and blood. I sobbed over myself, weak and pathetic. I didn't deserve Perrie. No one did. Perrie didn't deserve to have Alexander as a father.

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