Ch. 2 Strange Encounters

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{ B E L L A }

"Come on everyone, into the car!" Mummy yelled. I started to jump up and down because I was very excited. We were going to Blizzard Beach! I saw Perrie, who was wearing a very nice bathing suit. I wished I was allowed to wear the ones that looked like it was a bra and underwear. Not the kind that looked like a onesie, which was what I had. I told this to Perrie.

"Come on, munchkin, lets go. You look cute," she chuckled making me smile. I love my sister. She was so pretty because she has hair the color of pretty purple flowers. Mine was just boring brown.

Addy ran up to Perrie, crying, looking for her floaty. Perrie got the mad look she gets when she's tried.

"Here Addy, use mine," I said. Perrie leaned over and hugged me.

"I'm gonna teach you how to swim anyways," she whispered in my ear and I giggled, holding her hand. We got there very early and the fun started! Mum went with Addy and Ally, Caitlin went with some boy she met in the lobby at the hotel. I didn't get it. Perrie told me boys have cooties, so why did Caitlin like them so much? Perrie took me, and we went everywhere! I had lots of fun - until something bad happened.

{ P E R R I E }

Bella and I were having a great time. It was just us two, strolling around the park, occasionally going on a ride that was safe for both of us. Everything was just peachy. Until Caitlin had to ruin it.

"Look!" Bella whisper-shouted in my ear, yanking me down. "There's Caitlin with that boy!" I looked over and sure enough, Caitlin was there, arm in arm with Jason, the guy she'd met in the lobby who happened to be coming here too. She acted like they were together, and that she was happy. But I could see her grimace every time he grabbed her butt. He looked 15 or so and I wondered if he knew she was actually 12. Probably not. With big boobs and being taller than your average pre-teen, she easily passed for 16. I sighed.

Bella started waving frantically. I knew Caitlin and the boy saw her, but Caitlin looked away. But Bella kept waving. Jason whispered something in her ear, looking in our direction. She rolled her eyes and walked over to us, Jason in tow.

"What do you want?" she hissed. I smirked.

"Nothing, just wondering if Jason here knows how old you are," I said, smugly. He turned and looked at her, confused.

"How old are you?" he accused, dropping her hand like hot coal.

"I'll - I'll be 13 in August," she whispered.

"YOU'RE TWELVE YEARS OLD?!?!?" he shouted, earning stares from people around us.

"Y-Yes," she said meekly, blushing and on the verge of tears. Bella looked up at me questioningly.

"Why is that bad?"

I suppressed a smile. "It means she's too young for him."

"YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT SHE'S TOO YOUNG FOR ME!!!" Jason screamed, still shouting.

"Please don't yell," Bella said quietly.

"MOVE IT!" he yelled at Bella, bumping her shoulder hard as he strides away. She fell down, crying.

"HEY ASS-WIPE!" I yelled after him. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!" He didn't even turn around, just kept walking. I turned to pick up Bella, who is sobbing silently, clutching her knee. It's bloody. She probably skinned it when she fell. I bit back my anger and gently picked her up. Caitlin was standing off to the side and I glared at her. "See what your boyfriend did now, Caitlin? Are you happy with yourself now?" I spat.

"I'm sor-"

"Save it," I interrupted. She started crying but I ignored her and go back to Bella, who's leg was a bloody mess. I sighed, knowing she won't be able to go on anymore water rides.

"I'm taking her back to the hotel. Tell Mum to take her time and not to worry. We'll take a bus and I'll call her as soon as we get in the room," I told Caitlin. She simply nodded sadly.

"Come on," I mumbled to Bella,   her in my arms. She sniffled and curled up closer, blowing her nose in my top. We boarded the nearest bus and made it back to the room without any incident. I called Mum who thanks me and said she'd be home late, she's treating everyone to dinner later on. I sent up a silent thank you, glad for some peace and quiet. I cleaned Bella's cuts with towels and bandaged her up. I turned on the T.V and let her relax. We needed new towels to replace the bloody ones. I decided to go to the lobby and get some more.

"I'll be back, okay munchkin?" She nodded and went back to the T.V

"Don't open the door for anybody and call my cell phone if anything bad happens," I called behind my back. I always made sure she knew my cell phone number. We both knew if something were to happen, it would be me coming to the rescue. Not Mum.

I hopped in the elevator.

"Wait!" someone called. I held the door open and a very attractive girl walked in. Let's just get this out there, I bat for both sides of the team if you know what I mean. Her voice was familiar and I knew I'd seen her before, at some point. She smiled at me and I looked her up and down. Blue curled hair, brown eyes, and amazing smile. I smiled back. I had a sudden flashback to two nights ago, when I bumped into someone in the hallway.

"Have we met?" I asked.

"Were you the one who ran into my shoulder?" she asked with a smirk. I blushed, making a mental note of her accent. Definitely Geordie.

"Yeah. Sorry 'bout that. I was daydreaming. I don't get out much."

"Well we might just have to fix that, won't we?" she teased with a flirty wink. I rolled my eyes, fighting a smile. I wasn't used to blatant flirtation from guys let alone girls, so I was on my guard.

"I'm Jade," she introduced and offers her hand. I mentally facepalm. Now I knew where she was from. She was in that girl band trio. Little Mix, I think. My best friend, Katherine, was obsessed with them.

"Perrie," I answered, returning her handshake. I subconsciously noticed that she has nice soft hands. My eyes widen and I push the thought away, ashamed of my creepalicious thoughts. We made small talk on the way down to the lobby.

"What are you up to?" she asked, looking suspiciously at the bloody towels. I followed her gaze and laughed, having a feeling at where she thought the blood came from . . .

"My little sister scraped her knee. I used these to clean her up."

She nodded and pointed to the elevator doors, just as we came to a stop. "I'm meeting the girls in the lobby." I must have looked confused because she grinned. "My bandmates," she explained and I understood she meant the other two British girls she preformed with. The doors opened and we stepped out.

"Nice to meet you, Jade," I said. She smiled and gave me a quick hug.

"I wouldn't be surprised if we meet again," she suggested with a wink. I shrugged and walked away.

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