Ch. 34 Them Bitches Got Nerve

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{ P E R R I E }

"Perrie! Wake up, love!" Jade was shaking my shoulders. I slapped her hand away and turned over.

"Go away," I mumbled into my pillow.

"Love, we're gonna be late for our signing."

"I don't care."

"I do. I'm not going alone."

"You have the girls."

"I want you, though." Then she proceeded to sit on my back.

"Okay, okay," I grumble, slowly lifting my head.

"Thank you." She got off me, watching me to make sure I don't go back to sleep. "Good morning, by the way." She leaned in and pecked my cheek.

"Morning. I'm gonna go shower."

She nods. "I'll bring our breakfast up." I smile and peck her cheek, getting up and stretching, then skipping to the bathroom.

I hopped in and the warm water helped in waking me up a bit. I blow dried my hair, leaving it in soft waves. I changed into a pair of blue skinny jeans and a blouse.

I walked back into the room. "You look lovely," Jade complimented from her seat at the small table in our room.

I pecked her lips. "Thank you." She handed me my breakfast and we ate in silence, but there was something that has been nagging at the back of my mind since Jade mentioned the signing yesterday.

"There are going to be a lot of haters at the signing today," I said, more as a statement than a question. She grimaced, nodding slowly.

"Yes, but don't pay them any mind. Everything they say is a lie."

"I guess."

"I thought you said you didn't mind the haters."

"I don't, but there's a big difference between reading it online and hearing it in person. It's a lot harder to ignore."

She patted my hand. "I'll be right beside you if something happened."

I kissed her lightly. "I love you."


"Oh my gosh," I breathed, tightening my grip on Jade and Jesy's hands.

We were walking towards the signing and even from here I could see the small building we were using was overflowing with teenage girls. Phillip was walking close behind me, the other security guards forming a circle around us girls. We make it to the building without any girls seeing us. As we make our way behind the made up signing table. Someone came up to us and handed us sharpies.

"Just pass the stuff down after you sign it so the next person can," Sam told me. Jade left her left hand on my shoulder as Leigh stepped out from behind the backdrop, followed by the deafening sounds of screams. Jesy followed her, then me, then Jade. I waved and slightly smiled, following the girls' lead as we all sat down.

"Wait!" I whispered frantically in Jade's ear. "I don't know how to write an autograph!"

She chuckled. "Just write your name, love." She pecked her cheek and we turned to look at the first few girls that approached the table.

"Hi!" the two girls squealed, walking towards Jade and I.

"Hi," Jade said smoothly, flashing them a smile. The blonde one on the left blushed.

"I think you guys make a really cute couple!" she chirped, handing me her CD to sign. I stared at it a little before writing 'Perrie xox'.

Soon they were ushered away and we continued like this for about 20 minutes, people either telling us we were a cute couple or complimenting me on my voice or giving us presents.

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