Ch. 3 Disaster Strikes

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{ J A D E }

I skipped over to where the girls were, Perrie still on my mind. With purple hair and those pretty blue eyes, and a nice body to boot, she was definitely memorable. Let's just say I'm bi. And only the girls know it. Not the fans. They all think I'm single after just breaking up with my now ex-boyfriend, Sam.

The two other girls were crowed in the corner, hoodies and sunglasses on, with Jordan, Leigh's boyfriend - gaping. I smirked, preparing myself as they peppered me with questions.

"Who was that!?!" Jesy demanded, gesturing towards her. She was talking to the woman behind the front desk.

"Her name is Perrie," I informed coolly, trying to be nonchalant. I must of made a weird face because Jesy guessed what I was thinking.

"Oh, I see - you fancy her."

"I didn't say that," I retorted defensively. She was pretty though. She seemed protective and mature for her age. Like someone you can trust and depend on.

"If you don't want her, I'll take a crack at it," Jordan, Leigh's boyfriend said, quipped and already on his way over to talk to her.

"Oh no you don't," I growled, grabbing the back of his shirt and yanking, while Leigh slapped his arm. She was already on her way back to the elevator, clean towels in hand.

"Lets go back to the room, maybe we can ride up with her," Leigh-Anne offered quietly, flicking a strand of curly hair off her face. We all agreed and tried to act natural as we made a mad dash to the machine before the door closed. Jesy shoved her foot in the door just before it could close and we all filed in, getting a better look at her.

"Oh. Hi Jade," she smiled warmly, giving a friendly wave with her free hand. She glanced at the girls and Jordan, who were looking her up and down, examining her. I rolled my eyes and subtly kicked them all in the back of the leg.

"Um, Perrie, these are my bandmates. That's Leigh-Anne and Jesy, and Leigh-Anne's boyfriend. He's not actually in the band. And you know me," I introduced smugly.

"Hi guys, I'm Perrie," she murmured, looking at her feet. She was nervous. Does she know who we are?

We rode in silence for a couple of seconds until Jesy piped up, being the funny one.

"So, Perrie, what's your favourite Little Mix song?"

She smirked and rolled her eyes. "Oh, so assume that because I'm a girl and I breathe, that I like your music? Sounds like someone's bit up themselves."

The girls shifted on their feet uncomfortably, not used to the negativity. She stared at us for a little bit before bursting out into happy peals of laughter, easing the tension almost as quickly as she'd built it.

"Chill guys," she reassures. "I know your music. It's not bad. It's my friend who's the mega fan."

"Feisty," Jordan muttered under the laughs. I glared at him, sending him a silent message to back off.

"That explains your lack of excitement. We're just 'Average Joes' to you, as the Americans say," Leigh commented. Hearing her, she smiled shyly.

"I respect your music. I don't worship you. Besides, the Spice Girls were much cuter."

{ P E R R I E }

The girls gaped at me, surprised at my outright diss of their looks - good looks at that. I stared back, unfazed. Jordan finally cracked up and we all quickly joined in. I liked him, he seemed pretty friendly and could take a joke well. We heard a rumble below us. I looked down, seeing only the carpeted floor of the elevator and the shoes of the boys. We were on the 20th floor. I looked back up and saw Jesy's (I think) nose, inches from mine. I realised how close we were and took a small step back. She winked and nudged my arm playfully, making me look down shyly.

We heard a loud thud and the elevator stopped. The lights flickered and went out. I silently panicked but didn't scream, praying we'd be alright. Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same for Jesy, who immediately started shrieking like a mad person. Jade calmed her down, and soon we're all waiting, holding our breath in anticipation.

We could hear panicking on the other side of the closed wall. It sounded like the whole building had powered out. We heard the intercom telling people to get out of their rooms quickly and lock the doors, S.W.A.T. was on it's way.

"S.W.A.T.?" Jordan asked quietly.


We heard gunfire on the floor below us. I gasped, analyzing the situation in the time it usually took people to start crying. There was obviously something going on, something they hadn't prepared for. And I was stuck in the elevator with a girl band.

But worst of all, Bella is alone.

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