Ch. 8 Rehearsal

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{ J A D E }

We go back to Perrie's room after we got the good news. I'm still carrying Bella, she refused to let go of me. I didn't mind, but I could tell Perrie felt bad. After Jesy had got some music playing, we all broke up into separate conversations. Perrie came up from behind me to talk to Bella. I didn't really pay attention. Then I feel Perrie's hands on my cheeks and her lips on mine.

And I felt tingles.

The girls stare in shock. She turns to Bella.

"Will you let go of her now?" she askes her. Bella releases my neck. So that's why she kissed me. Not because she wanted to, but she wanted to get her sister to let go of me. It hadn't meant anything. I deflated.

Perrie glanced at the girls, who are still trying to process what happened. She shrugs and goes back to Bella, turning on the T.V. for her. Things slowly go back to normal.

"I'm hungry. Who's up for Nando's?" Jesy calls out. Perrie pipes up.

"We can go eat, but I don't think they have any Nando's in Florida. How about a local buffet?" At the sound of buffet, Jesy has her keys out and is already walking through the door.

"Hurry up guys!" she calls over her shoulder, already running down the staircase. We chuckle and follow. I grab Bella. Maybe Perrie will kiss me again . . .

We get there and the food is amazing. We sit in a round booth in the back corner. We eat until we're stuffed. I check the time. We have an hour left so we just sit and talk. I'm sweating under the scarf and glasses the girls and I have to wear, so no one will recognise us. Perrie sits between Jesy and Leigh, I'm next to Jesy and Jordan is next to Leigh, obviously. Bella is in my lap. Perrie keeps glancing at Bella, then at me, and each time she just smiles to herself. I wonder what that's about. I shake it off and go back to the conversation.

"So do you guys have any idea what I'll be singing tonight?" We shrug.

"Probably some of the songs we've been doing all tour. You might not do all of them. Do you know any?" Jesy asks.

"Wings?" Perrie says. "But I don't know the words . . ."

"Should I make a list of all the songs I know the words to?" We nod, agreeing it would probably be a good idea. Leigh leaves and comes back with paper and a pen, courtesy of the manager.

"Okay, I can definitely do Songbird . . ." she mutters to herself. We keep working until we have a list:

Songbird - Eva Cassidy
Wake Me Up - Ed Sheeran
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
When Will I Be Loved - Linda Ronstadt
Don't Let Go - En Vogue
E.T - Katy Perry
If I Were a Boy - Beyoncé
Beautiful - Christina Aguilera

"We know some of those," I tell her. "We could do covers of Don't Let Go, E.T, If I Were a Boy and Beautiful." The others nod enthusiastically. She flashes me a smile. I melt a little. Would she say yes if I asked her out? Her sister seemed to think so. But her sister was 7. But she did know her better than anyone else at the table. One thing for sure, I'm not giving up this easily.

"Guys, I'm nervous," she says after some silence.

"Don't be." Leigh puts a hand over hers. She smiles slightly.

"I'm sure you're gonna bring da house down!" Jesy says, trying to sound 'hip' but failing. She laughs softly, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"Listen," I say, trying to look at her directly. She meets my gaze. "It doesn't matter if you do great or not. As long as you are happy with your performances, then that's all that counts. We'll support you not matter what happens. And we're up there with you so you're not alone." I smile warmly at her and she grins back. We stare at each other for who knows how long until Jordan clears his throat.

"I hate to break whatever is going on between you guys, but we gotta go now or you'll be late for sound check." She looks away, blushing slightly. I smile inwardly. I could stare into those blue eyes forever. We stand up. As we're filing out, I feel a pair of lips press against my cheek. I turn to see Perrie looking at me, smiling.

"Thank you," she whispers, as she takes a few steps ahead of me, joining Jesy and Leigh's conversation. I touch my cheek with my free hand, I was still carrying Bella.

"I told you she'd like you," she whispers in my ear. I smile, embracing the warm feeling that erupted in my chest and spread all the way to my toes.

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