Ch. 44 Fangirl Time

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{ P E R R I E }

"Jade Amelia Thirlwall, what the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, stepping out of the bathroom and raising an amused eyebrow at Jade, who was wearing her bra and the strap-on dildo that my mother had given us, and strutting around the room.

She winked. "I understand why men always think they're important. I feel in command."

I giggled, walking behind her and pulling the strap back and releasing it so it snapped hard against her back. She yelped and quickly removed the strap-on to prevent further injuries.

"Or maybe they wear them, I don't know, because it is required by nature. But who am I kidding, that's crazy talk. It's definitely because they feel in command," I teased, taking it from her and shoving it into the depths of my bag.

She chuckled, tugging a pair of jeans on. "Ready to go?"

I rolled my eyes. "Readier than you are." I glanced down at my outfit of denim shorts and a flowing blouse.

"Hey, I was busy. I didn't have time to get dressed," she defended, pairing a t-shirt and Supras with her jeans.

"Oh, but you have time to prance around in the gift we got from my mother?"

She gasped. "Many people would take that as an honour."

"I'm not most people, now am I?"

She walked over and kissed me sweetly. "No, you're not. You're much, much better."

"Okay, enough sweet talk, let's go," Leigh interrupted, rapping on the open door. I pulled away from Jade.

"Oh hush, you're just grouchy Jordan can't come 'til another week," I scolded, picking up my purse and tying my sweater around my waist.

Leigh frowned and stuck her tongue out at me. "Maybe I am. But we do need to go. You can take up your snogging in the tour bus. Away from the rest of us," she added.

Jade wrapped an arm around my waist and sniffed. "Don't worry, we will."

I blushed, taking her hand and leading her out the door, along with out suitcases.

"You're asking for it, missus," I hissed at Jade, and she responded with her signature hair flip and smirk.

"Depends on what 'it' is." She winked cheekily.

I blushed again and turned around, not meeting her eyes.

The things this girl does to me.


"What would you like to drink?" the flight attendant asked Leigh-Anne, who was directly in front of me in the aisle seat.

Leigh responded by jumping up and hugging the woman. "You speak English . . . bless you," she cheered, making the people around us chuckle.

The flight attendant laughed. "Glad I could . . . help," she said.

I turned to look at Jade, who was flipping through a home décor magazine.

"What are you doing?" I asked, leaning on her shoulder. She smiled and kissed my cheek quickly.

"Just thinking what our house is going to look like."

"Have you picked one out yet?"

She shook her head. "We can do that together, if you want."

I smiled. "Sounds great."

We looked through the magazine together, circling the sets we liked and discussing what we pictured our house to look like.

"I'm so excited! I don't know if I can wait another two months to get started," I pouted.

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