Couple Trouble (Part Two)

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{ P E R R I E }

"Poor Jade," Katherine said, taking a sip of her lemonade. I nodded in agreement. I had just finished updating her on all the drama that had happened in my life since I talked to her last.

"I know. He was just trying to be nice, and Sam had to go all psycho on her."

"Yeah, but at least we got to go out!" Katherine cheered. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

I grinned. "Well, I wasn't going to let you be in the same city as me and not see each other!"

"So what are you going to do with those guys' phone numbers?" she asked, leaning back in her chair. I frowned at the memory of that night, three days ago. Jade had been furious, but I had kept the numbers secretly, telling no one but Katherine now.

"I dunno," I said. "Maybe like a prank call or something?" I shrugged.

Katherine gasped, then started giggling, covering her mouth with her hands. "What do you have in mind?"

I grinned, pushing my plate of burgers away from me and digging around in my purse for my cellphone. I had already entered the contacts into my phone to avoid Jade finding the pieces of paper and asking questions, and I had made their contact names their character names. I selected 'Simba' first.

It rang a couple times before someone finally picked up.

"Hello?" they answered.

I bit my lip, then started speaking, raising my voice to a high-pitches, squeaky falsetto.

"Hello, I'm Bob! I work at the bubble factory and I saw bubbles and bubbles and bubbles and bubbles and bubbles and bubbles and bubbles and bubbles and bubbles and bubbles and bubbles and bubbles..." I kept going, gaining speed as I repeated the same words over and over again. Katherine was biting her lips to keep from laughing as she listened to 'Simba' protest over the phone. Finally he gave in and hung up. Once it disconnected, I burst out laughing, laying my head on the table, my shoulders shaking.

"That was too good," I sighed, wiping the tears from my eyes.

Katherine suddenly bolted upright in her chair. "Let me do the other one! I got something good for him."

I smiled wide. "Yes!" I handed her the cellphone and she quickly located the number and dialled it.

"Hello?" a deep voice picked up. Katherine winked at me, then raised her voice, screaming into the phone in Spanish.

"MI CASA EN FUEGO! MI CASA EN FUEGO!" she shouted frantically, drawing a scared look from a woman in a booth near ours. "NECESITO AGUA! AGUA POR FAVOR!"

"Huh? I don't unders-"

"AGUA! AGUA SEÑOR! MAS AGUA!" she screeched, chewing on her bottom lip.

"I'm hangin-"


"Bye." We heard the click and then the dial tone. It was only then that I allowed myself to crack up, Katherine following suit. We laughed until tears rolled down our cheeks.

"I still think we need to do one more thing," I said, taking my phone back from Katherine and logging into Twitter. I laughed to myself as I composed a new tweet containing those numbers, along with instructions to call them as many times as possible and just say 'and bubbles' over and over again. I chuckled as I imagined their reactions.

"That'll teach them not to hit on someone who's taken," Katherine said, crossing her arms in satisfaction.

"I think they've learnt their lesson," I declared, standing up. "Now, I don't know about you, but I really need to work off these burgers."

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