Ch. 30 The Doctor is In

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{ P E R R I E }

I watch Jade slowly drift to sleep, fidgeting every now and then. It's only then that I let the silent tears fall. She looks so breakable, so innocent, so little. I just wanted to scoop her into my arms and make it all better.

Her arm reaches out suddenly, as if looking for something.

"Pezza . . ." she murmurs, still asleep. I smile softly through my tears and gently laced my hand with hers. As if by reflex, she pulled me close to her. I hated doing it, but I couldn't risk hurting her, so I gently pulled away from her grasp. She frowned in her sleep, but remained still.

I heard a faint knock on the door. I carefully got out of bed and went to answer it. There stood a worried looking Leigh-Anne.

"Is she okay?" she asked. I nodded, glancing over my shoulder.

"She's asleep." I looked her over. "You feeling better?" She nodded.

"I took some pain killers. You should go get in the shower. It's gonna be a long day."

I shake my head. "I'm not leaving her."

"I'll wait with her. I won't leave the room, I promise. If anything happens, I'll come and get you. I'll even drag you out of the shower if I have to," she joked, making me giggle. I sighed.

"Okay. No funny business though, alright? Last time I left her with you, this happened. And do you mind calling the doctor? Ask him if he can make a house call? Jade's head hurts her pretty bad." Leigh grimaced and nodded.

"I'm sorry," she murmured as she walked past me to sit on the floor by Jade's bed.

"It's not you fault," I reply, going over to kiss Jade on the forehead. "Forever and always," I breathed, only for Jade to hear. I straightened up and left the room before Leigh could say anything else. I quickly hopped into the shower, letting the water just run over me, soothing me. I stayed in there for who knows how long, then stepped out and changed into some sweat pants and a jumper. I walked back into Jade's room to see a frazzled looking Leigh.

"She keeps asking for you in her sleep. She started crying . . ." She trailed off and I rushed to Jade's side and saw she was right. I could see the dry tear tracks all the way down her cheeks, with fresh ones already brimming. Her lips mouthed my name.

"I'm here, baby. Don't cry," I murmured, squeezing her hand. I guess she was either exhausted or those pain meds really worked because she didn't wake up. I smiled when I saw her face relax again. I gently wiped her tears away with my thumb, then looked back at Leigh, who had moved away and was leaning against the door frame. She looked tired, like the energy had been sucked out of her after only one minute with Jade.

"The doctor's gonna be here in the morning," she croaked. I smiles sadly and patted her cheek. I knew she blamed herself for this.

"You should rest, Leigh. I'll stay with her."

She chuckled darkly. "It's like she's in a coma or something. What if his brain's all messed up? It's my fault."

I frowned. "No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is. She told us to go all out on her, to not hold back. I shouldn't have listened but all I could think about was the bungalow." She hung her head, tears falling from her eyes. I used my index finger to tilt her chin up. Her eyes met mine, full of regret.

"What do you mean? Why would she ask you to do that?"

She let out a dry laugh. "She said that she wanted to fight as if she was really defending you. She told us not to hold back because a bad guy wouldn't."

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