Ch. 29 The Art of Kicking Ass

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{ P E R R I E }

Jade wakes up in my arms, lifting her head up slightly to look up at me. We're on the couch.

"Morning beautiful." I grin, kissing her forehead.

"What happened?"

"You fell asleep in the grass. Who knew being dressed all day was so exhausting," I joke.

"How'd I get here?"

I roll my eyes as if it were obvious. "You flew."

She grinned. "Hmm, I didn't know I could fly."

"You'd make a lovely bird, I'm sure of it."

She rolls her eyes and pecks my lips quickly before getting off me, untangling our legs. She reaches for her phone.

"Jesy's coming over at 10:30 for lessons," she informs me, reading from her phone.

"She was serious?"

Jade grins. "I don't think she liked the fact that you could kick that guy's ass and she couldn't. We're a very competitive band."

"I don't want you guys to feel . . . weak or anything," I say, my eyes getting big.

Jade shook her head, kissing me. "You did what you had to do. Jesy just feels like now it's a competition if who's the strongest in the band. She always was before you came along."

I bang my head against her shoulder repeatedly. "I promise I didn't mean to make you guys feel like this was a competition. It isn't. Jade, you have to know this - even though I did beat the guy up, I was terrified. That tough gal thing was an act to intimidate him. It's not something to be proud of. Plus, you know me!"

Before I could continue, Jade pulled me close, rubbing my back. "Shhh, it's okay. You should be proud! You intimidated a guy twice your size. And you should be honored that the girls want to be like you. All we want is for you to show us a couple of basic moves. No one is pressuring you to teach us black-belt stuff. We just wanna be strong women. Plus, we could maybe add them into the dance routine and get the Mix-Men to help us!

"And I know you were scared. You can try to be tough all you want, but I know you're just a marshmallow on the inside," she assures grinning. I smile softly back. She knows how to make me feel better.

"What time is it now?"

"10 o'clock," Leigh announces, striding into the room. She waved good morning and keeps walking through to the kitchen.

"How in the fresh hell did she get in?!" Jade asks, eyes wide in confusion.

I giggle and smile ruefully. "Guess I better go get ready."

She nods and reaches up, ruffling my hair. "I'll start on breakfast." I smile and kiss her cheek. I go to my room and shower, thinking about which moves I should show the girls today and how I'm going to teach them. I wash my hair rid of the smoke smell from last night and leave it down to dry. I change into black, high-waisted leggings and a blue crop top. I wrap my mouth guard around my wrist and lay some towels and water bottles on the couch. I start to push the couch back up against the wall to give us room. Jade walks in and her eyes widen slightly as she rushes over to help me.

"Why didn't you call for help?" she asks, grunting and she helps me push the couch.

"I didn't need any."

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