Ch. 45 We're Goin' in Circles

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{ P E R R I E }

"Rise and shine, Jadey."

I shook Jade's shoulders, turning her over on her back.

"Jade Thirlwall, get up. Good Morning America, remember? I'm already freaking out enough as it is."

"Be yourself," she mumbled, turning back over.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Be myself. Sure. Just get up so we're not late. I've got to go wake up Leigh-Anne and Jesy."

She turned her head to the side, facing me. Her eyes opened slightly.

"I love you."

I chuckled and leaned in to kiss her quick. "I love you too, so just to prove it . . ."

That's when I scooped her up bridal style and walked her to the bathtub, then turned on the cold water full blast.

Her eyes popped open. "I'M UP, I'M UP!" she screeched, launching herself out of the water.

I stifled a giggle. "Sorry, baba. But we're really going to be late. So, shower up and get dressed. We can swing breakfast on the way." I gave her my sweetest smile, and she rolled her eyes in submission.

"Yay!" I cheered, leaning over to kiss her again. Her hands grabbed my waist before I could pull away, holding me close. I grinned against her lips.

"Although your methods of distracting me are very good, I've grown immune to them, it appears," I teased, moving in her hands.

"Methods?" she pretended to look shocked. "Me?! Can't I kiss my girlfriend without being accused?"

I winked. "Not today, Thirlwall."

She pouted, leaning in for another kiss. "I'll meet you in the other girls' room."

"'Kay. Love you."

"Love you more."


"Ready?" Jade asked, hands on my shoulders. I met her eyes, full of concern.

"As I'll ever be." She pulled me into a hug, whispering words of encouragement into my ear.

Over the speakers, I heard the clear voice of Robin Roberts introduce us.

"Let's give a warm welcome to Jade, Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Perrie, otherwise known as Little Mix!" the crowds could be seen through the glass windows, their screams muffled.

Jade laced her hand in mine, leading our group out of the shadows and onto the red couch, directly in front of the glass. Some fans started to boo when they saw Jade and I's hands, but I tuned them out. I took a seat beside Jade, Jesy on my other side.

"Hi guys! How are you?" Robin greeted, smiling wide.

"Very well, thank you," Jesy answered.

"How's the tour been going? Leigh-Anne?"

"Um, very good. We love seeing all the fans."

"And Jade, I understand that you girls have already toured some of Europe?"

She nodded. "We've been to Spain, France and Italy. We hope next time we can go visit the rest. Everything that we saw was absolutely beautiful."

Almost imperceptibly, Jade nudged my leg when she said that. I blushed, looking at my feet, tucked under me.

"So, Perrie, I understand you have an interesting backstory, in regards as to how you met the girls."

I gave her a small smile. "You could say that." I went on to explain the entire story, the fans watching from the large screen T.V. that was fixed on the wall outside. Jade draped her arm around my shoulders when I finished, silently communicating she was proud of me.

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