Ch. 43 Mummy's Girl

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                  ~ Last full day in Italy ~

{ P E R R I E }

"Perrie. Wake up, baba," Jade whispered, kissing my ear. I shook my head.

"All we have is the concert today. Let me sleep," I growled.

"Yes, but Simon wants me to help you write a song today."

I opened my eyes, rolling over so my chest was on Jade's. I rested my head on her chin staring at the headboard. "He was serious about that?"

She chuckled, her breath tickling my neck. "I'm afraid so. But we can have fun too."

I lifted my head to look her in the eye. "Like how?"

"You'll see." She winked, lifting her head to kiss me quickly. I sighed and sat up, pushing off her stomach.

"In that case, I'm gonna go shower."

"I suppose it's pointless to ask if I can join you?"

I giggled, patting her cheek. "You suppose right."

She pouted, crossing her arms and avoiding my eyes. I chuckled and grabbed my change of clothes for the day, running into the bathroom. I showered quickly and changed, before brushing my hair and teeth, then walked out of the bathroom to grab my purse and gauze to change my bandages.

"Hey beautiful," Jade mumbled, tugging her own clothes on. I smiled and lifted my shirt, not caring if Jade saw my bra. I just saw hers. I started to unwrap myself, sucking in a sharp breath as the cold air hit my stitches.

"How many times do I have to tell you to let me do it?" Jade asked, rushing over with the cleaning solution. She applied it, then tied the gauze around me tightly. I smiled, giving her cheek a soft kiss.


She grinned and took my hand, leading me out of our room. We knocked on the other girls' room door to say goodbye. Then knocked again. And again.

Jesy finally came to the door, followed by Leigh, both of them in silk dressing gowns.

"What could you possibly want?" Jesy growled.

"Just wanted to tell you that we're going out for a bit," Jade said, patting Jesy's cheek playfully.

"I'll bring you back some gelato," I promised them; Leigh brightened up considerably.

We waved goodbye and went into the elevator, headed for the lobby. Once we were outside, Jade started waving frantically to the nearby gondolier. The man smiled and rowed over to us. Jade got in first, then helped me in after, sitting me down in her lap.

Somehow, Jade managed to get across that she wanted the man to take us to a café for breakfast.

"Siete voi due in viaggo di nozze?" the man asked. Jade looked at me for a translation, her soft hair brushing my cheek. I closed my eyes, translating.

Are you . . . two on your . . . honeymoon?

I blushed, shaking my head. Why did everyone in Europe always assume that just because we're together, we're married? We're freaking 18 years old!

"No, lei è il mio fidanzata," I clarified as quickly as possible. The man smiled and nodded politely, continuing to row. Jade nudged me.

"What did he say?"

I shook my head, looking at the water. "Nothing."

"Sure. I'll find out eventually, you know."

I sighed. "I know."

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