Ch. 38 New Friends, Old Enemies

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{ P E R R I E }

I woke up to light streaming onto my face from the window. I tried to sit up, but realised that I was being held down by delicate arms. I also realised that I wasn't in bed, but on the couch in the living room.

What the hell is going on?

I turned my head to see that the arms belonged to Jade. I gently moved her arms off me, standing up. I walked into our bedroom to see Jesy curled under the blankets, snoring. I shook her awake.

"Jesy . . . get out."

She didn't respond, so I was forced to snake my arms underneath her and carry her to the Jacuzzi, which was full of cold water from last night. I dropped her in, fully clothed.

The results were more than satisfactory.

Her head popped up immediately, coughing and spluttering water.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!" she screamed, wiping the water from her eyes. I shrugged.

"Get out."

She looked around. "Why am I here?"

"I'll tell you later. Go shower. Then you can sleep. In your own room."

"Fine," she huffed, getting out. Just before she left she turned around and gave me a shove, sending me into the water.

"JESSICA NELSON!" I screamed, shaking my hair out and wiping my eyes. O stood up, my pyjamas sticking to my skin. I got out and stared her down. She smiled cheekily. My temper flared in one deft moment, I had her on her back, my foot on her stomach.

"Never again. Got it?" I hissed. Her eyes widened and she nodded before running out the door. I looked up to see Jade standing where Jesy had been, a small smirk on her face.

"Well good morning," she said quietly. I narrowed my eyes, laying my hand on my hip.

"Care to explain why I woke up on the couch?"

Her smirk vanished and was replaced with a sheepish smile. "I said I wanted you in my arms, didn't I?"

My anger evaporated and once again I was consumed in Jade's charm and adorableness.

"AWWW!" I squealed, running to kiss her cheek. I kept my distance, though, considering I was dripping. "I'm gonna shower, okay?"

She nodded. "I'll call and see what there is to do around here." I ran to the bathroom, shivering as the cold air nipped at my wet skin. I showered quickly, sighing in pleasure as the warm water hit my freezing skin, and changed into some blue jeans and a frilly blouse.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked to the dresser to grab my purse. Jade was on the hotel phone, talking to, I'm assuming, the desk clerk. She smiled at me as I sat down on the bed next to her.

"You look beautiful," she mouthed. I giggled and pecked her cheek, rearranging the contents of my purse. She ended the call a few minutes later.

"I've got a great day planned," she said, grinning.

"Okay. You're the boss."

She winked. "How does breakfast at Las Ramblas sound?"

"What's that?"

"It's a famous cafe in the middle of Barcelona. Then we can go see the street performers!" She clapped her hands and stood up, running out of the room.

"Um, Jade?"

She turned around mid-sprint. "Yes?"

"Maybe you'll want some clothes first? It's just a suggestion," I teased, pointing at the Disney-themed pyjamas she was still wearing. She started laughing.

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