Ch. 42 Sorry, She's Not on the Menu

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                     ~ Two days later ~

{ P E R R I E }

Something was bothering Jade.

Ever since our date, she's been distant from me, not kissing me or hugging me as often. She insists everything is just fine, but I know there're more to it than that.

We're on a plane now, off to our last stop on this tour – Venice. I was practically pissing my pants in excitement, and the pain in my side decreased every day. Jade sat next to me, staring out the window while I chatted excitedly with Leigh about different kinds of Italian food, and our mission to try as much of it as we could.

Jade sighed next to me, so I broke away from my conversation to look at her. "You okay?"

She flashed me a weak smile. "Yeah." She looked back out the window, dismissing me.

I looked back at Leigh, who was watching Jade thoughtfully. I sent her a worried glance and she shrugged.

"Switch seats with me," she mouthed. I nodded and we both stood. Jade didn't even look up. I bit my lip and stepped across the narrow pathway, plopping down next to Jesy.

"'Ello!" she chirped. I ignored her, just leaned my forehead against the seat in front of me, closing my eyes. What did I do wrong?

"Something you wanna talk about?" Jesy asked gently. I turned my head to look at her. I hesitated, then nodded, laying my head on her shoulder. She smiled down at me, lightly brushing the hairs out of my face as I told her what was going on. When I mentioned the part about Jade asking me to move in with her, she cut in.

"Wait, back up. What did you say when she asked you?"

"I said I needed to think about it."

"Have you thought about it?"

I nodded. "Loads."

"What are you thinking?"

I sighed, closing my eyes. "I want to; I love Jade. What I'm not sure about is if I can just leave my mum with all my sisters. It'd be hard if it was another house, but another country? Another continent?"

Jesy nodded thoughtfully. "Have you two talked about it since then?"

"Did you see her? She won't even look at me, let alone talk to me. I don't know what I did wrong."

Jesy leaned over and pecked my forehead. "You didn't do anything wrong. She's hurt, that's all."

"I hurt her? How? By not accepting?"

She nodded. "She thinks you don't love her enough or have enough faith in your relationship."

I gasped. "That's ridiculous."

"I know, but that's how I would feel too. Deep down, I know she doesn't actually believe that. It's just her insecure mind playing tricks on her."

"What do I do now?"

She glanced at Jade, who was looking out the window while Leigh talked to her. "Talk."

"Did you not hear me when I said that she will not speak to me?"

She chuckled. "Do I hear Perrie Edwards going down without a fight? Are you giving up?!"

I giggled. "No, ma'am!" I saluted. She high-fived me and reached into her pocket, grabbing her phone and earphones. She handed one earpiece to me, then put the other in her own ear. She selected her own quiet playlist, then leaned back and closed her eyes. I grinned to myself before putting the earphone in my own ear and leaning back, closing my own eyes as well. We both fell asleep in minutes.

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