Ch. 71 New City; More Ways to Fuck Things Up

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{ J A D E }

My boobs almost freezing off my body was what woke me up the night we arrived in London.

"Holy crap, it's cold in here," I muttered, my teeth chattering as I slowly sat up.

"You're telling me," Perrie muttered, making me jump. I looked over at her and saw that she was wearing my sweater and a scarf around her neck, reading a book. Bella layed peacefully under the blankets, snoring softly.

I nodded and rubbed my arms fervently, regretting wearing only sweatpants to bed. "Why didn't you turn up the thermostat?" I asked, getting up and raising the temperature of the room.

She shrugged, tucking the blankets tighter around her sister. "It's not my house, and Leigh and Jesy fell asleep right after we got here. It's snowing."

I walked over to my window. I threw back the curtain, surprised to see it was pitch black outside. I looked over my shoulder at Perrie, eyes wide.

"Love, what time is it?"

She giggled and set her book down. "Around 2:00."

"In the morning?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, Jade. In the morning." She yawned and pulled the blankets back, revealing her shorts and fuzzy knee high socks.

"Stylish," I commented, following her into my kitchen. She stuck her tongue out and grabbed herself two glasses, filling them both with water.

"You okay?" I asked, noticing her thoughtful expression as she sat down next to me.

She sighed and nodded. "Just have a lot on my mind."

"Penny for your thoughts?"

She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Thinking about how much stuff we'll have to do in the next 31 days."

I understood what she meant, I'd been experiencing nerves as well over picking a house in time. I pulled her into my lap, latching my hands tightly around her middle.

"We'll get it done. But tomorrow, we rest."

She made a face, tipping her head back to lean on my shoulder. "There's no time to rest."

I chuckled and pecked the edge of her mouth. "Yes there is. Bella will want to see the sights."

"I guess . . ."

"Love, we'll do what we need to do, when we need to. You said it yourself, don't stress," I murmured, standing up and walking her back down the hall.

"Okay, Jadey. I guess you're right."

"I know I am. Now get some sleep, night owl."

She snorted and crawled under the blankets on Bella's left side. I sighed, slightly disappointed we'd have her sister in between us. But if that's what makes her happy . . . I crawled in on Bella's other side. We laid in silence for a little while, warming up as the heating kicked on.

"You know, we could always sleep in my room," she muttered.

I bit back a laugh, amazed at how well she read my mind. I sprung up and jumped out of bed, walking around to pick her up bridal style. "Let's go."

She giggled and curled into my arms, letting me carry her all the way to her room. I set her down gently on the bed, letting her climb under the covers and get comfortable before sliding in next to her. She sat up and took her jacket and scarf off.

"You're not cold?" I asked, opening my arms up for her.

She smiled ruefully and layed down, her arms wrapping all the way around my waist. "Why would I wear a sweater when I can hug my toasty girlfriend?"

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