Ch. 67 37 Days and Counting

275 13 9

~ Three Days Later ~

{ P E R R I E }

"Perrie?" Jaron asked quietly. "Can I talk to you?"

I frowned, glancing at Jade who was sleeping next to me. "Yeeeesss . . ." I said slowly, standing up and following him to the back room.

It's been three days since that awful interview and finding the truth about Ellie, and things have been going pretty well. There has been an overwhelming support for Leigh-Anne, more than hate, and fans have started giving her baby supplies at signings. Today was our day off, tomorrow we were performing in Houston. Jaron had been acting strange around me, giving me lots of hugs and sympathetic looks. I'd brushed it all off until now, but these things ran through my mind as I took a seat next to him on the couch. 

"So . . . how have you been?" he asked, making an awful attempt at conversation. I rolled my eyes. 

"Cut to the chase, Jaron. What's on you mind?"

He bit his lip, crossing his legs awkwardly. "Well . . . you see . . . something's come up."

I frowned. "Are you pregnant too?" I joked.

He snorted and shook his head, relaxing a little. "No way. Something's come up as in . . . a job. To dance." 

I nodded slowly, trying to catch on. Of course it'd be to dance, that was his passion, his talent. "Okaaaay . . ."

"And I accepted it."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, but my face slowly relaxed as I realized what exactly he was saying. 

"You're leaving."

His eyes widened in nervousness and he nodded once. "I'm sorry."

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. "That's okay. I'm not going to stand in your way. You're gonna do great, I'm sure of it." 

He smiled briefly before frowning again. "There's another thing."

"What's that?" What could possibly be worse than another person leaving? 

"I leave tomorrow."

~ Twenty Minutes Later ~

"I-I-I'm go-gonna m-miss you s-ss-ssoo much," I stuttered, wiping my eyes with a tissue. Jaron gripped my torso in a hug, rubbing my back softly.

 "I'm gonna miss you too."

"Everything all right in here?" Jade asked quietly, rubbing her eyes. As soon as she saw that I was crying, she woke right up and ran to take the seat on the floor in front of us.

"Jaron's le-leaving," I sobbed, still hugging him.

Jade sighed, leaning against my legs. "I know."


 "Y-You knew?" I asked softly, pulling out of my cry fest to question her.

She and Jaron exchanged a look. "About a week," she whispered.

I gasped and looked at Jaron. "Why didn't anyone tell me?" 

"Well . . . we knew you were still hurting over Aimee . . . and Ellie . . . we just didn't think telling you would help."

I pulled away from him. "I'm not a child. You could have told me."

Jade sat up and took my hand. "No one said you were. We could have told you, but we just wanted you to spend these last couple days having fun and not depressed. We've been miserable." 

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