Cold Turkeys (part 3)

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{ J A D E }

I nervously looked back at Perrie wondering what the heck her mom wanted me for. I had a nauseating feeling in the pit of my stomach that it had to do with Katherine's comment from earlier. It had been a joke, of course, but no one could have missed the frightening look on Mrs. Edwards's face. Oh god.

I continued to follow her, arching an eyebrow when I saw her lead me all the way to the balcony outside. I smiled briefly, seeing where Perrie got her love of them.

"Take a seat," she said curtly, pulling up a lawn chair. I slowly did as she said, crossing and uncrossing my legs.

"Yes?" I asked tentatively, folding my hands in my lap.

"I want you to tell me about my daughter."

I stared at her, confused. "What?"

"Tell me why you love her."

What is going on? "I'm lost."

She sighed. "Jade, when you left with Perrie four months ago, I knew you liked her. A lot. Now, you say you love her. Tell me why."

I nodded slowly. This would be easy. "I love her for a lot of reasons."

She smiled softly, then resumed scrutinizing my face. "Well? Are you going to tell me them?"

"Well, I'm not sure exactly why you want to know."

She chuckled and shrugged. "Maybe I'm just curious."

I pondered that, knowing there was a deeeper reason behind this. Oh well. She wants reasons, I'll give her reasons. I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts. Here goes. "I love Perrie because she's beautiful. Funny. Smart. Kind. Silly. Romantic. Humble. She's a good listener. She gives good advice. I love her laugh. I love her smile . . ."

I lost my train of thought, my mind running off course as I pictured Perrie. But when I realized I was still talking to her mom, I snapped out of it.

"That was . . . sweet. I suppose," she said, tapping her chin. "I notice you didn't mention how 'hot' she is or how she is 'in the sack'," she mused, putting up air quotes.

My mouth dropped open and I said nothing, just gaped at her in shock. "Erm . . . what?"

"You and my daughter have had sex, yes?"

My jaw was practically touching the floor and I didn't know where to put my eyes, I was so uncomfortable. "We . . . um . . ."

She sighed. "At least tell me you used protection."

What the hell is going on? This was none of her business! "I'm sorry, but I can't."

Her eyes flared. "You didn't use protection?!"

I shook my head. "I'm not going to divulge that information with you."

She flinched back, frowning at me. "And why the hell not?"

I sighed. "With all due respect, Perrie's an adult. I'm not going to jeopordize anything with her by giving you the intimate details of our relationship without her permission."

She squinted at me, her jaw clenched. "I see."

"If anything was wrong, we would tell you. We share a mutual respect for each other, and telling you something like this would just make things weird between us. Ask her, if you really want to know, but unless you want to make her angry, I wouldn't."

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