Ch. 37 Spanglish

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{ P E R R I E }

"Oh. My. Gosh," I breathed, staring at the city in front of me.

"This . . . is where we're staying for TWO WEEKS?!" I screeched, digging my nails into Jade's forearm.

"Erm, yeah until we go to Madrid for a second week . . . ouchie." She squirmed under my death grip.

"Oops, sorry babe," I gasped, releasing her arm. I kissed where I'd hurt her gently, then went back to fangirling in happiness.

"Yep, definitely too much sugar," Jesy said, patting my shoulder as she walked past me and into the large taxi that'd come for us. I dove in after her.

"Wait 'til you see the hotel," Sam said, handing the taxi driver the address. We drove through the busy streets of Barcelona, and I couldn't help but point at everything I saw that I liked. Jade chuckled every time, kissing the top of my head. Finally, we pulled up to our hotel.

"Whoa," I breathed, craning my neck to look up at the what seemed to be fifty-storey building that stood looming into the clouds in front of us. Jade squeezed my hand as I stepped out, looking up with me.

"You like it?"

"Like? I LOVE!" I screamed, jumping up and down around the car. Sam finally got out of the taxi after paying the man, and it took every ounce of resistance in my body not to pick her up and charge through the doors straight to the check-in clerk.

When the clerk finally showed Jade and I to out room, I was dying. I was chattering away in a weird combination of English and Spanish, in an effort to speak to both Jade and the attendant at the same time.

"Are you speaking English?" Jade asked, a smile tugging on her lips. I shrugged as the man finally unlocked our door and bid us goodnight. Jade waited until he'd left to scoop me up bridal style.

"Um, Jade, not that I mind you picking me up at random point in time, may I ask what you're doing right before I'm about to enter the room I've been dying to see since this morning?"

"Aren't I supposed to do this when we cross the threshold?" She smirked, winking.

"Yeah, but that's when you get married-oh I see what you're doing. Yeah, okay, Thirlwall. Just take me inside." I rolled my eyes, but kissed her cheek anyways.

"But of course," she said, and with that, kicked the door open all the way, taking a dramatic step inside, then setting me down. I gasped and all but took a giant shit right on the floor when I saw the elegant 'living room'. It was an open plan living space, with a seating arrangement of couches facing a wall of windows looking out across the city.



"AGGGGHHHHH!" I screamed, flinging myself back into her arms and jumping up and down. She laughed and hugged me, nudging me forward so I could explore the room further. I rushed forward, dropping my stuff onto the couch. I started touching everything within my reach, the tables, the decorative plants, the walls, the light switch, trying to understand fully that I'd be staying here. With my girlfriend. For a WEEK!

"I'm never leaving," I murmured, touching the decorative pillows. Jade chuckled, following me. I turned around suddenly and planted a passionate kiss on her lips, my arms flinging around her neck. It took a few seconds for her to respond, but her hands eventually found my waist, pulling me closer. I smiled and pulled away after a while, my forehead against hers.

"What was that for" she panted, grinning.

"I'm just really happy," I said, pecking her lips once more, then whirling around in search of our bedroom and bathroom. I finally found the doorway to our bedroom.

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