鉢植え - Potted Plant

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Two children sat in the lobby of a fancy hotel. The younger girl had inherited her mother's clearly Asian appearance with dark hair and brown eyes. She swung her legs back and forth in a fruitless attempt to ease her growing boredom.

"Temari, when is he going to get here?" The child's foot struck the leg of the chair, making a sharp sound that prompted the woman at the check in desk to shoot her a dirty look.

The elder nudged a strand of toffee colored hair behind her ear, "Soon. And stop swinging your legs, Saya. The lady over there is getting annoyed."

"But I'm so booored!" Saya exclaimed dramatically and thrust herself back her chair, "I'm tired of waiting."

Temari fixated her eyes on the automatic sliding doors at the entrance to the hotel. People would come in and out but none of them matched the person they were looking for. She looked once again down at the folded photograph that was given to her by the child services agent. The man had faded grey hair a mustache, and glasses; he looked to be quite tall too. But no one matching that description had come in the building yet.

A loud crash brought her back to attention. Lying shattered on the ground and surrounded by dirt were the remnants of a potted plant. Temari looked to Saya, who was guiltily staring at the mess she had created.

"Oops." She mumbled.

"Saya! You idiot!" The older girl sank to the ground and started frantically gathering up dirt and chunks of pottery, "I told you to stop swinging your legs like that! We don't even have money to pay the hotel back."

The six year old's eyes started to glisten, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Is there a problem here, ladies?"

Temari looked up at the person who was currently standing over her, desperately hoping that it wasn't one of the hotel staffers. To her surprise it was a familiar face. One that she had been looking at and hoping would be her escape.

"A-Are you Mr. Watari?" She stumbled over her words.

The man bowed, "Indeed I am. Are you two Temari and Sayako?"

"We are!" Saya jumped up from her seat and engulfed Watari's lower half in a tight hug, "I'm Saya and I'm so glad you're here to save us."

Watari chuckled and patted her on the back, "I don't know if I'm saving you, but I do know you should tell me why there is a poor plant spread all over the floor."

"I accidentally kicked it down and it broke." The little girl explained hurriedly and dislodged herself from the older man, "But we don't have any money to pay for it."

"That is not a problem. I'm sure I can compensate for one potted plant. Grab your bags, girls. After this we are going to your new home."

Temari still sat emotionless on the cold tile floor of the hotel. Aside from the dirt clumped on her fingers, she could feel nothing. The day she had long awaited for had finally come. Watari was here and she could start a new life. Her often neglectful always working parents and the sudden shock of their death didn't matter now. That was in the past.

This was an opportunity she couldn't pass up or throw away. The start of something new. Not knowing what else to do, tears started to form in her eyes. It's here. It's finally here. A whole new world was opening up. The 12 previous years she had existed almost seemed pointless compared to this moment.

"Are you ready, Temari?" Watari held his outstretched hand down to help her up, "We have to go soon. There are people expecting us."


hey guys!  i've already pre-written the majority of this story and updates will come one or two times a week 

i'm looking forward to getting to know all of you so i think i'll start leaving an anime/manga related question each chapter

today's question: who is your favorite character is death note?

mine is either matsuda or mello but i do have a soft spot for sidoh

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