告白 - Confession

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The task force waited

They waited

And they waited

But nothing happened

No one gasped for breath

No one collapsed

No one died

Temari placed her hand over her heart to feel the steady beating. She was alive. She looked around the room. Everyone was alive. The girl exhaled deeply, feeling like the entire world had been lifted off her shoulders.

"What?" Mikami frantically flipped through the pages of the notebook, "W-Why are they still alive? God, why won't they die?! I did everything you told me to do!"

"Rester! Gevanni! Take him now!" Near commanded the two men at his side, who immediately apprehended hysteric man. The bulkier of the two put him in a headlock and slapped handcuffs on.

"Gevanni. The notebook."

The other man handed Near the notebook, which had fallen out of Mikami's hands. Near turned the page around to show the rest of the task force members. There were nine names listed.

Nate River, Anthony Carter, Stephen Loud, Halle Bullook, Kanzo Mogi, Hideki Ide, Temari Lawlight, Touta Matsuda, Shuichi Aizawa

"I can confirm that the first four names are the names of my team." Near said, "The rest of the names belong to the task force. The only name that wasn't written is Light Yagami."

Temari felt like all of the air was sucked out of her all at once. Light wasn't written down. Light Yagami. That means that Light Yagami is Kira. She collapsed to the ground. Light Yagami is Kira.

"If that wasn't enough, Mikami referred to you as 'God' and said that he did what you told him to. It's settled. Light Yagami is Kira."

Light's body shook. His eyes dilated as a look of pure panic came across his face.

"It's a trap!" He yelled as his body sporadically shook and twisted, "This whole thing is a setup! This is all part of Near's plan to frame me! Isn't it odd that no one died after their name was written in the notebook? This is all a trap!"

Temari shook her head as her voice wavered, "Near already explained that he altered the notebook so that no one would die. Weren't you listening, big brother?"

"That's it! Temari!" Light rushed over to the girl, yanking her off the floor by the collar of her shirt, "Temari, you believe me, right? I'm being framed by Near! You have to help me! I'm not Kira. I would never be Kira! You know that, you're on my side!"

Light's eyes were so tearful, so emotional. Temari wanted to believe him. She really did. But everything he's done, everything he's said, was still stuck in her mind spinning over and over again. There's no escaping them now. No running away, no pushing aside. She had to let them in.

The girl looked away, "I don't know what to believe anymore."

"Idiot!" He cast her aside, "Useless! You're useless to me!"

Aizawa placed a hand on Light's shoulder, "Light, it's too late to deny it. Just a moment ago you were saying that you won. How much more of a confession do we need?"

For a minute Temari thought that this would be the end. Matsuda sank to the ground in denial, asking Light why he did it. Light didn't answer. He just stood as Mogi walked over with already prepared handcuffs. She tried to take in a steady breath and ultimately failed. The loafers were cutting into her feet but she barely felt it. Pain seemed almost like an illusion.

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