変化する - Change

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"Near. I want you to take me to America."

The boy shrugged and twirled a piece of his hair, "Okay."

"Wait a minute, wait." Rester stood up, "Temari, why do you want to go to America. And Near, we can't just take her. That's not how it works."

"Sure it is." Near turned to the girl sitting cross-legged on the opposite chair, "Do you have your bags packed?"

Temari nodded, "I do.  Well, pretty much."

"Alright then. Commander Rester please bring the helicopter-"

"No." Gevanni interrupted, "Temari, we can't just let you leave. You're 16; not even an adult yet."

The girl shot him a dirty look, "Do you think that this is just something I came up without doing any research?" She opened the laptop that she had set on the cushion beside her, "I've already submitted my resume to Stanford University in California. I'll major in International Security and minor in Translation Studies. If I work hard, I should be able to get my Bachelor and Master's degree in four to five years. Ultimately, my goal is to work for the CIA as either a translator or information analyst specialist." Temari locked eyes with the white haired boy sitting across from her, "And then, Near, I will give you my assistance with cases. I'll be fulfilling Ryuzaki's will and make a life for myself as well."

"This is definitely a detailed plan. As someone who works for the CIA, I will tell you that if you manage to complete all of this without a hitch, they'll snatch you right up." Halle said and motioned to the laptop, "May I look at what you've collected for your resume?"

Temari nodded and handed the computer over to the blonde woman, "Certainly."

Halle scrolled through the various documents, "This is impressive. Graduating high school two years early; and at the top of your class too, getting into To-Oh University, working with the NPA since age twelve. There's even letters of recommendation from Chief Yagami, Shuichi Aizawa, and Light Yagami. With this collection of achievements they would be complete idiots to turn you down."

"Let me see."

Gevanni took the laptop from Halle and scrolled up, whistling softly as he saw the high marks and praise on everything he saw. Rester followed Gevanni, with a curious Near peering over his shoulder.

"Okay, so let's say you do get into Stanford." The black haired man crossed his arms, "You're still in a completely different country; hundreds of miles from all the people that know you. What about Matsuda? He's your guardian, right? And from what I've heard, you two are pretty close. How do you think he would feel if you just took off?"

Temari bit her lip, not because she was concentrating, but to stop herself from spilling tears, "He's got Saya. He loves her more than me anyway. He'll get over it soon enough."

"But still." Gevanni argued, "It's not right to just leave him like this. Besides, college takes money. A lot of it. You don't have a job, so where are you going to get the money?"

"When Ryuzaki and Watari died, Saya and I inherited the majority of their funds." The girl continued, "The Wammy Foundation handles our money and now that I'm sixteen I'm allowed to have partial control over my finances. Overall, I have almost ten million dollars to my name." She raised an eyebrow, "I think that should be enough to get me through college."

Gevanni scowled, "You do have a point."

"Alright." Near nodded and twirled a piece of his hair, "Then it's settled. Temari, you will depart with Rester, Halle, and I to the helicopter leaving today at 3 'o clock PM. Gevanni will stay behind to take down headquarters and Matsuda will not be told where she is going."

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