爆発 - Explosion

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Temari bit her lip as she pressed a button and carefully watched as the screen loaded. It had taken almost three weeks, but she and Matt had managed to get very close to hacking into the SPK mainframe. Now this was the final test. If this didn't work she didn't know what else to try.

A small room appeared on the computer screen. There were three people working at the computers and one odd boy sitting on the floor stacking dice. Is this what they were looking for?

"We found it!" Matt cheered, "Near and Halle are in there! We've got it!"

The girl studied the screen closer, "Which is Near?"

Matt pointed to the white haired boy on the floor, "That's Near. He has a weird fixation on toys." The man lit a cigarette and checked the computer that displayed the location radar, "They're in New York City. It shouldn't take long for me to find the exact address. Hey, we should play some video games after this. But if I win you have to give me a kiss."

"I'd rather give my name to Kira." Temari fired back, "I've already told you no like 10 times."

"Come on, please baby?" His arm snaked around her waist, "Is there a guy waiting for you back in Japan or something? C'mon, I'm sure he won't mind just one kiss."

Temari shoved him off of her, "There's no guy but that doesn't mean I want your gross hands all over me. Do you want me to slap you again?"

"No ma'm." Matt quickly scooted away, "I would not like to experience that again. So when are you going to tell me your name, U? I already told you mine."

The girl rolled her eyes, "Just because you trust me doesn't mean I trust you, Mail Jeevas."

"Alright, what about this: We'll still play the game but if I win you have to tell me your name instead of a kiss. You don't have to tell me your last name. All I want is to call you something other than U."

"Okay." Temari hesitantly agreed, "I accept."

Matt moved the cigarette around in his mouth as he gathered the exact location of SPK headquarters. As much as she hated to admit it, Matt wasn't bad company compared to the rest of the men in the building. When she was around Matt she didn't feel like she was in the immediate danger of being killed or raped. He acted like a perv sometimes but she knew that he wouldn't go beyond a kiss. Besides, he already knew that she had a pretty powerful slap.

Temari looked back at the screen with the video feed of the SPK. The boy sitting on the ground with the white hair is Near. Near, L's other successor. Temari knew that without a doubt that the SPK and Japanese Task Force had already started talking. There was no way that they could plan any kind of rescue without an American organization that could give orders to the government and military.

"I found their street address." Matt announced and scribbled something down a piece of paper, "Give this to Mello. I'll be done setting up the game when you get back."

The girl nodded and took the paper (that contained the SPK's location and another address that Temari didn't recognize) to Mello, who nodded his approval. When she got back she saw Matt grinning at the Guitar Hero opening screen that was set up.

"Matt, you know I suck at this." Temari complained and picked up her plastic guitar, "Can't you choose something that I'm actually kind of good at?"

"You're not that bad." Matt said, "Look, you can do easy and I'll go on expert. Does that make it fair?"

"I guess." Temari relented.

But despite the compromise, the toffee haired girl still lost. She grumbled as Matt cheered and thrusted up his guitar up in victory. Temari couldn't help but smile. Sometimes he reminded her of Matsuda. A way smarter and really pervy version of Matsuda, that is.

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