前方に - Ahead

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"Uncle Matsu!"

Saya eagerly jumped into the arms of her awaiting uncle, who spun her around in pure ecstasy and covered her little face in enthusiastic kisses. Temari smiled and yawned as she watched the joyful reunion. Matsuda had woken her up much too early in anticipation for the visit.

"Hey kid." Aizawa shuffled into the room, still in his morning robe, "How's your morning?"

Temari rubbed her eyes drowsily, "I want to sleep."

"Same here." Aizawa chuckled and nodded towards Saya, Matsuda, and now Yumi, "Why don't you and I talk for a bit?"

The girl nodded as the older man cleared a few pillows off the couch so she could sit down. Temari sighed with contentment as she sank down into the soft cushions. Matsuda's couch had seen years of wear and the fabric housed more than its fair share of mysterious and slightly moldy stains. Sitting on a clean couch felt like a previously unobtainable slice of heaven.

"So, how's life with Matsuda?" Aizawa asked and reached for the tumbler of whiskey on the coffee table.

Temari shrugged, "Same as always, I guess."

"Getting enough cold pizza?"

"Some nights we have curry." The girl laughed, "You shouldn't set the bar quite that low. Uncle Matsu is a good caretaker; he's just a bit clueless with everything else." Her voice softened, "You really don't give him enough credit. He's trying really hard to keep all of us happy, especially Saya."

The man put his glass down, "I guess you're right. He's been the only constant person in Saya's life since her parents died. I bet that means a lot to her, even though she doesn't realize it."

"I know it does." Temari smiled wistfully, "They're going to be close their whole lives. I'm so glad that they've got eachother."

"Me too."

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, not knowing what else to say. Temari closed her eyes, sensing a headache appearing between her temples. All she had done for the past few weeks was sleep. Sleep and eat. Thinking and moving took energy that Temari wasn't able to give. Oddly enough, she hadn't cried. Crying takes energy, the girl supposed, I just don't have any right now. The tears will come when the energy does.

But when will the energy ever come back?

"I know it's a bit early, but have you given any thought to what you want to do with your life?" Aizawa asked, breaking the silence, much to Temari displeasure, "Are you going to go back to To-Oh?"

Temari opened her eyes and bit her lip, "I don't know. I don't even remember why I applied in the first place."

"You had told us that you wanted to join the NPA." Aizawa reminded her, "You wanted to work in the Intelligence and Information Bureau, just like Light."

The girl shook her head, "I don't know if it's right for me anymore."

"Why not? You're almost as smart as Light. In a few years and with some proper training, I'm sure you could surpass him completely." Aizawa disputed, "Besides, I've already been promoted to Deputy Director. I know that the NPA definitely needs someone like you."

"I don't think it's right for me." Temari repeated calmly.

"You're being foolish." Aizawa said through gritted teeth, "L even gave you a letter. You're seriously throwing that all away? You're an idiot. No better than Matsuda."

"Don't talk about Uncle Matsu in that way!" The girl stood up with a shout, "He's the kindest, most considerate man I know. I don't deserve a person like him in my life and you don't either!" She whirled around fumed out of the living room, "I'm leaving. Tell Saya that I'll see her later."

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