キャプチャー - Capture

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"Cosme Misa, an angel's charm, a devilish glitter."

The man sitting in the center chair front of the TV monitor licked his lips and picked up a banana

"Misa's very own line of lipstick, just for you."

He set the banana peel in-between his teeth and pulled, hoping that some sort of pleasure was to be derived from the sensation.

"Stop being a perv!" Temari hit Ryuzaki over the head with a paperback book, causing him to drop the fruit in surprise.

"Look what you did." Ryuzaki chided her, "You made me waste a perfectly good banana. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Temari rolled her eyes, "Whatever. I'm not the one that just basically masturbated in public."

"You know, you two really are really funny together." Light chuckled, "Tema, I just wish you'd use some of your stellar comebacks against Matsuda and not save them all for Ryuzaki."

"Light, please put Higuchi's car on video stream one and Sakura TV on video stream two."

The brown hair boy nodded, "Yes Ryuzaki. As expected, Higuchi is watching every minute of this from his car."

Temari fixated her attention on the TV screens in front of her and ran the details of the situation over once more in her head. The frosted glass protecting Matsuda had already fallen down and his face had been shown. Light made sure to call Namikawa early in the program to make sure that Higuchi would be watching. The commercial break after the screwup was when they replaced Matsuda and the interviewers with dummies and put on the pre-recorded program. Higuchi was now heading over to the main Yoshida office to see if he could find Matsuda's portfolio and real name there. Of course, all real information about him (including security tapes) had been removed beforehand.

"Rem?" Higuchi spoke, "What do you think?"

"Rem?" Light repeated, "Who is Rem? There is no one else in that car. If there was, we definitely would have seen them."

Ryuzaki bit thumbnail, "Maybe it was a shinigami."

Temari remembered Ryuk and the wishing notebook. A shinigami is a god of death, so it didn't really make any sense that they would follow around a person with a notebook that gave people good things. Unless it could also grant bad wishes too.

Temari looked over at Light again. She didn't think he could ever hurt people. Light isn't that kind of man. He helps, he doesn't hurt. Maybe there are different kinds of notebooks. One brings ends life and the other enriches it. Temari thought about mentioning it, but decided not to. She didn't want to place Light under any more suspicion.

"He's arrived at Yoshida Productions." Light announced.

Ryuzaki nodded, "The show's about to begin."

Wedy had set cameras up in every inch of Yoshida beforehand, so it wasn't hard to track Higuchi's movements inside the building. Mogi and Aiber were also stationed there to arrest or restrain him if necessary.

Higuchi entered the building and headed straight towards the main office where the employee records were stored. He opened the filing cabinet containing the registries a leafed through them. Finally, he came to the one with Matsuda's ID picture on it. A different name was listed but it wasn't Matsuda's real one.

Ryuzaki leaned forward in his chair. This is it. Now we will know how Kira kills. Temari's heart pounded in her chest.

The man in the office calmly took a black notebook out of his bag. There was writing on the front but it was too small for the cameras to catch clearly. Higuchi wrote something in the notebook, put the file back, and left the office.

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