願い - Wishes

218 11 21

"Light?" Temari poked her head in the doorway to his study, "Can I talk to you about some stuff? Like about college."

"Sure." Light said and quickly shoved the piece of paper he was working on in a book that was laying on his desk, "I just have to drop a few things off in the main investigation room. Don't touch anything and I'll help you when you get back."

As soon as the older boy was out of the room Temari opened the book and took out the paper he was writing on, making a careful note to remember which page it was on. She knew snooping was wrong, but the desperation for details on the case outweighed that moral.

Although Temari did prove her usefulness by analyzing the video tapes two weeks ago, Ryuzaki hadn't given her any other cases or information to work on. Just being a coffee and snack runner wasn't enough to satisfy her hunger for information.

The paper that Light had written on was very odd. There were only names, dates, and times on it. Nothing else. It couldn't be a record of previous deaths of criminals because these dates were weeks in advance.

What is this and what is Light doing with it, Temari wondered, Is he maybe trying to predict the deaths? No. He is a detective, but he can't just plan weeks ahead like this. What is this?

She heard footsteps in the hall and swiftly put the odd paper back in the book. Temari hoped that Light didn't see her do it. If he found out she was snooping around there would be a lot of trouble.

"Okay Temari, what did you want to talk about?" Light came in the room, letting the door shut softly behind him.

Temari couldn't answer Light. She could only stare at the horrifying figure hovering above his head. Huge eyes, long fingers, spiky hair not unlike Ryuzaki's, and teeth that could easily slice through human flesh. The creature wasn't anything she'd ever seen before. And she was terrified.

The monster chuckled, "Well Light, it looks like this little lady can see me."

Light's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed Temari and pushed her down into a chair next to the desk. Too frightened to do anything else, she obeyed and sat without a fight.

"There are security cameras in this room." Light explained, "But not wire taps. Just video, no audio. You have to stay calm and look natural. I'll explain everything, okay?"

Temari nodded slowly.

"The shinigami," Light gestured slightly towards the being, which was now standing near the door, "Is named Ryuk."

"Shinigami!" Temari exclaimed, "They're real?"

Light nodded, "Yes. Shinigami, gods of death, are real. But don't worry; Ryuk isn't going to hurt you. I promise. Did you touch the piece of paper I had in the book? The only way people can see him is if they touched the paper."

"I must have brushed up against it by accident." The girl apologized, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He assured her, "But you can't tell anyone about Ryuk or the paper. Not even Watari or Ryuzaki and especially not Saya. This stays just between you and me."

"I understand." Temari said, "But why do you have a shinigami with you if he isn't going to take your soul or something? And how come only people that touch the paper can see him?"

Light took a deep breath, "I don't want to repeat any of this so listen carefully. You can't tell anyone this either. Everything I tell you is strictly private and if any of this gets out I'm going to be really mad."

"I have a special notebook." He simply said, "It grants wishes. I make a wish, write down a person's name, and they get their wish."

Ryuk chuckled in the background. Light shot him a dirty look. Temari was still too scared to ask the god of death what was so funny, and because of that reason she frankly did not want to know.

"This notebook gives me the power to change the world, to make it a better place." Light continued, "The shinigami have to oversee how the notebook is being used. That's why Ryuk is following me. He's not going to kill anyone or take their souls, you don't have to worry about that. Ryuk is strictly neutral. He's not helping me or going against me."

"I understand all that. But tell me Light, are you hurting anyone with this notebook?" Temari's voice trembled slightly.

Light shook his head, "Of course not. I'm a police detective, remember? I don't hurt people."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely." His brown eyes locked with her blue ones, "I'm here to catch Kira and so are you. I would never hurt or kill anyone, even for the sake of changing the world. I can promise you that."

Temari let out a deep breath, "Okay, Light. I believe you."


"Dammit!" Light ferociously kicked the garbage tin in his room. The contents of the can scattered everywhere but he didn't care about that right now. He was too consumed by the rage that he was so careless, just leaving a scrap of the Death Note lying around. Now he not only has to worry about Misa screwing something up but Temari too.

He sat down on his bed and placed his head between his hands. Could I just kill her using the notebook? No, that is out of the question. If she dies L will automatically assume that she found out some sort of crucial information and was killed by Kira for knowing too much. Since no one knows Temari is here except for the investigation team and Watari, the only suspects would be members of the task force. I'm already under suspicion so it won't take L long to trace the dots back to me.

What if she dies in an accident or commits suicide? No, that won't work either. Temari never leaves the building ever and isn't depressed. Besides, a death is still a death. No matter how she dies I'll still be the prime suspect.

"That Temari girl seemed like she trusted you." Ryuk piped up from the window, "It's too bad for her that you were lying straight through your teeth. A wishing notebook. That was a good one, Light."

Light lifted his head from his hands and got up, "I know, right? I can't believe she took it so quickly. She may be good at analyzing clues but she's far too gullible. I wonder how I'm going to deal with her. If I kill her they're going to suspect me even more but I can't just let her walk around with information like that."

Ryuk shrugged, "I honestly don't care about what you're going to do to her. I just hope she gives me apples."

Light rolled his eyes. As usual, Ryuk was little to no help to his scheming. He paced around his room anxiously. At least with Misa he could transform her delusions into something he could use to his advantage. Temari's ties and loyalty to the task force are just too strong. She wants to catch Kira. Besides, she isn't stupid like Misa either. Ryuzaki wouldn't have let her join the task force without having faith in her deductive abilities and intelligence. She can't know the truth about the Death Note either because she would immediately know that he was Kira. He sighed. Things just keep getting more and more complicated.


i wanted to make sure that you all (the readers) knew about temari's naive side too.  although she is very intelligent, temari is sometimes far too trusting of others and will believe anything they say.  she's going to have an interesting time working with light.

QOTD: what's your opinion on light?

to me, light yagami is the pure embodiment of evil.  he deserved what came for him in the end.  he definitely was an interesting and complex character to watch develop, i actually liked his character a lot, but hooooooooo boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy he needs to get his psychotic issues under control

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