聞こえるように悲鳴を上げる - Scream To Be Heard

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Light stroked the unconscious girl's hair and chuckled to himself, letting a wide grin spread across his face. The plan had worked. It really worked. L and Watari were dead, along with Rem, who had extended Misa's life at the cost her own. With the damn shinigami out of the way he could do whatever he pleased with Misa. This was all working out. Soon all of the task force would be dead, including the girl, and he would claim his rightful power.

Temari's fainting spell was something that happened simply out of pure luck. With her comatose body, she could see or hear anything that he was doing. That included him swiping Rem's Death Note.

Maybe I'll kill her later tonight, Light pondered, I'll have her commit suicide. After all, she did lose a person she was very close to. Yes. That's exactly what I'll do! Light fondled her hair once more, letting the tips of her wavy curls wrap around his fingers. Temari Penber, this will be your last day alive

"L-Light?" Temari's eyes opened slowly, "Why am I here? What happened to Ryuzaki?"

"I'm so sorry, Tema. Ryuzaki is dead." Light tried not to let any forms of glee slip into his voice. Even in her disorderly state, he knew that the girl was sure to notice.

"Dead." Temari repeated, "Ryuzaki is dead."

Her eyes wandered to the clock. It was 21:00. Usually the messy haired man would be stopping by her room just about now. An abandoned shogi board took up the space at the end of the bed. She and Ryuzaki had played a quick game this morning. He had smiled wide when she captured his king, but Temari knew that he had let her win. Snack wrappers of all sizes and colors littered the floor. Ryuzaki left a mess wherever he went but that was just one of the things that she loved about him.

Finally, Temari's eyes came to rest on the picture frame that hung right beside her bed. Usually when she looked at the photograph a feeling of security and safeness washed over her. Whatever was troubling her would gradually slip away until all that remained was love and the confidence she had in the people closest to her. But now that feeling was nothing but a memory being crushed under the weight of the inescapable truth.

"He's dead!" Temari howled, "I'll never see Ryuzaki ever again!"

Light held the girl protectively in his arms, "Tema, I'm so sorry. I know how much he meant to you."

Hiccupped sobs escaped the girl's body. She had never cried this hard. It was like all the sorrow, all the loneliness, all the pain she'd endured in her young life built up and spilled over all at once. Even her own heartbeat tortured her, for she had something that he would never obtain again.

"Hello, Temari." A new but familiar voice appeared at her side. Temari lifted her head to see Matsuda sitting on the bed next to her, his hand comfortingly rubbing her back.

"I can take care of Temari and Saya for the next few days." Matsuda said to Light, "You should get home soon. It's late enough as it is."

Light nodded, "Alright. Goodbye, Temari." A small smile flickered across his face, "I hope you can make it through the night."


Temari was still awake. Matsuda had fallen asleep hours ago and twitched lightly next to her on the bed, curled up with his feet towards the pillows. The city at night was alive with lights and cars. Even the TV in front of her displayed lively characters with brightly colored hair.

But Temari was still awake

After crying for another hour or two Matsuda had insisted that Temari eat some food. So she did, she ate everything that he put out in front of her. But Matsuda didn't know that at 1:00 she had went to the bathroom and thrown it all back up.

Saya had been asleep since 20:00 and with Matsuda snoring softly next to her; Temari was truly the only one awake in the house. There was no resourceful old man, no oddball insomniac, no one but her. The darkness felt emptier than it ever did before.

Temari got up from the bed. It took more energy than it should for her to stabilize herself. She took a few steps before collapsing on the ground again and starting to pant. Even walking was hard now. She curled herself into a ball for a few seconds before trying to get up again. This time, she could walk to the door before having to rest.

The faltering pattern continued until Temari got to the kitchen. It was there that she buckled down for good, unable to get up again until the morning. Tears began to fall again. What a useless girl she was, unable to perform even the simplest of tasks. She could never have saved Ryuzaki.

"Temari? What are you doing all the way out here?" Matsuda kneeled down on the floor next to her, "Light called me and was wondering how you were. You're okay, right?"

"No." The girl whispered, unable to say any more.

Matsuda placed his palm to her forehead, "You're burning up! Here, I'll get you some water."

"No." Temari grabbed on to his sleeve, "Don't leave me."

"It's just to get a glass of water. I'll be right back." Matsuda assured her and opened the refrigerator five feet away. Temari rolled over on to her side and tried to breathe, but all she could do was huff and wheeze.

"C'mon kiddo, it's time to sit up." Matsuda gently propped the girl up so she was supported by his shoulder, "Take a few sips, okay?"

Temari nodded and took the plastic cup the man was holding. Her hands shook as she allowed the liquid to slide down her parched throat.

"Thank you, Uncle Matsu." Temari said weakly, "Thank you for being here for me."

"I'm your uncle, I'm here for you. That's what I do."

The sound of little footsteps running came from the hall. Soon enough, Saya came in from the hallway and flung herself into Matsuda's arms.

"What's wrong, Saya?" Matsuda asked the young girl and hugged her close.

"I had a nightmare!" Saya cried and clung to Matsuda's chest, "It was really scary and I went to look for Temari and she was gone and so were you. I got really really scared!"

Matsuda kissed her head and rubbed her back, "Don't worry. I'm here for you. That nightmare wasn't real, you're safe here. You're with Uncle Matsu. I'll never let anything hurt you. Ever." He pulled Temari near to him, "And that goes for you too. I'm here for both of you."

"Sing to me." Saya looked up at the older man, "Grandfather Watari used to sing to me and sometimes Ryuzaki too. Can you sing too?"

Temari scooted closer, wanting more of Matsuda's affection. He obliged and drew the two children into his arms. He'd protect them. He would be the support and security they would need to get through the night.

"I guess I can sing for you." Matsuda supposed, "But just this once and if you promise to go to sleep right after."

Saya let out a yawn, "Okay, Uncle Matsu. I promise.  Can you sing the star song"

"The star song?"

"Yeah.  You know, the star song.  With the twinkling."

"You mean Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?"

The little girl closed her eyes, "Uh-huh."

"Alright.  Here I go." The man took a deep breath, "Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are......"

When Matsuda was done singing Saya had already fallen asleep. Her steady breath rose and fell in time with her chest. Temari's eyes had been growing drowsier by the minute. Matsuda knew that she would fall into a deep slumber soon. There was no point in bringing the girls back to their rooms. They would sleep here tonight.

"I love you guys." He whispered and kissed both of their cheeks, "It's going to be okay."


i actually cried while writing this so you all better be emotional right now

QOTD: gore, yay or nay?

im in the middle im kind of like a neeeeh

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