お父さん - Father

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Ryuzaki smiled as he peeked into Saya's room. The little girl dozed soundly wrapped in the fluffy pink blankets on her bed. Saya always fell asleep instantaneously and slept in as long as she could. Her innocence and optimism couldn't help but make everyone around her feel cheerful, including Ryuzaki. She made him feel happiness and joy like he'd never felt before.

The man closed the door and tiptoed to the room at the end of the hall. He stood in front of the door and closed his eyes. Temari. With a dry sense of humor and sharp mind, she never failed to surprise him.

"I see you've found yourself another friend." Watari placed a gentle hand on the slouching man's shoulder.

Ryuzaki turned around, "Yes. It seems I have. She's important to me, Watari."

"Temari is a smart girl." Watari said slowly, "She's a lonely one too. But not with you. She loves you, Ryuzaki. I hope you've realized that by now."

"I have." Ryuzaki nodded and turned back to the door, "I care for her. I want to protect her. I want to make sure she keeps living, that she's happy. But I don't know what to do. I don't know how to show her how much she means to me."

Watari shook his head, "You're not as clueless as you think you are."

"Ryuzaki?" A voice came from the inside of the room, "I can hear you in the hallway."

The messy man smiled and turned the doorknob, "Thank you, Watari. I think I know now."

"Ryu?" Temari sat up and yawned, "Why are you here?"

"I like watching you and Saya sleep."

Temari giggled, "I don't think that's the best way to put it."

"I think you're right." Ryuzaki could feel his face getting hotter, "Those words didn't come out right. I just like seeing you two when you're safe and happy like that."

"It's okay. I get it."

The girl slung her arms around Ryuzaki's neck in a childlike fashion, leaning against his already arched back. Ryuzaki smiled and held on to her hands.

"You're getting too old for this." He teased, "Sooner or later you'll end up snapping me in half."

Temari shook her head and snuggled deeper into his shoulder, "You know it's okay. Besides, isn't it a father's duty love his daughter?"

"Father?" Ryuzaki froze, "You just called me your father. I-I'm not your father."

"Sure you are." Temari said, "Family doesn't have to be biological. I think of you as my dad. And you think of Watari as your dad, right?"

There was a moment of silence

"Yes, U. I do."

"See!" Temari laughed, "You're my dad. That makes Watari my grandfather."

Ryuzaki placed a thumbnail to his mouth, "I've never been a father before. What is it that fathers do?"

"Well, I'm not really sure about that myself." The girl fell back on to the bed, "My father wasn't very good at it. He wasn't home very often and, I don't know, I didn't really see him as my true father."

The messy man stood up from the bed and walked over to the nearby desk. He opened the drawers and shuffled around in the various papers.

"What are you doing?"

"Here. I found it."

Ryuzaki sat back down on the bed and showed Temari the item that he had been looking for, "It's the tablet that Watari bought you. I figured that since I don't know how to be a father, I should look it up on the internet so I can learn."

"Ohhhh." Temari nodded, "That's a good idea."

The man nudged the tablet towards her, "I don't know how to use it. You look it up."

Temari rolled her eyes, "Alright, if you insist." She swiftly typed into the keyboard, mumbling each word that entered the search bar, "How. To. Be. A. Good. Father." The girl hit enter and handed the tablet full of options to the man sitting beside her.

"There's so many." Ryuzaki whispered as he scrolled through the webpage, "How do I know which one is right?"

"Just look through them and pick the one that feels the best to you." Temari offered.

Ryuzaki nodded slowly, "I see." He tapped the first result on the top of the page.

Temari peeked over his shoulder and read slowly, "Five Ways To Become The Best Dad You Can Be. Number one: love yourself." She looked down at the black haired man, "Do you love yourself, Ryuzaki?"

"I love cake. I eat a lot of cake."

The girl shrugged, "Close enough. Number two: Read to your children."

"But you're reading to me now. Does it count if it's the same but the opposite?" Ryuzaki pointed the picture on the screen of a man on a couch reading a picture book to two small children, "Does it have to look like that?"

"I don't think so." Temari shook her head, "And you read all the instruction manuals to Saya's toys. I think that should count for something."

"You're right. Let's go to the next one. Number three: Spend quality family time together."

Temari brushed back a strand of hair that had fallen in her face, "Remember that time when we watched almost 48 consecutive hours of Snapped? That's family time, right?"

Ryuzaki nodded, "I would think so. As I remember, Sayako was with us too. I explained to her the details and innerworkings of mass homicide."

"Number four: Be accepting and patient." Temari scrolled further down the page.

She looked at Ryuzaki, who shrugged, "I've seen enough that nothing surprises me anymore. If Sayako told me that tomorrow she was moving with Watari to Russia, I'd make sure that she had money and a cell phone connection and let her do as she wishes."

"I guess that handles itself." The girl answered, "Now the last one. Number five: Love your children with all your heart."

The slouching man placed his hand over his securely beating chest, "I think I understand that one the best of all."

"See, you are a dad." Temari lightly kissed Ryuzaki on the cheek, "You're not as clueless as you think you are."

Ryuzaki smiled, "You know, someone else just said that to me."

"I know." Temari laughed, "I could hear you and Watari through the door."

"Sometimes I wish you weren't so inquisitive." He sighed, "Also, please go to bed. You're going to be tired tomorrow and I'm hungry and you don't have any food to give me."

Temari hopped off of the bed and felt around on the ground, "Light gave me some candy yesterday if you want some. I know they're around here somewhere."

Ryuzaki shook his head rigorously, "I don't like sour candies."

"Can you stay for a little longer? I like talking to you."

"I know and I like talking to you too." Ryuzaki smiled and gently brushed away a piece of hair that had fallen in the girl's face, "But you must go to sleep." He got off the bed and made his way to the door, "Goodnight, U."

"Hey! Wait!" Temari called, "I love you!"

Ryuzaki paused, his hand brushing against the doorknob, "I love you too."


was this chapter adorable or what i loved writing it

QOTD: any death note ships?

i really dont ship anyone in death note, but if i had to choose i would probably say mello x matt

i dont ship light or l with anyone because i believe that both are them are incapable of falling in love someone romantically

idk that's just my headcanon everyone is entitled to their own opinion plz remember that

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