時間 - Time

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"I don't know why you're always so fascinated with my room, Ryuzaki."

The slouching man carefully examined the contents of the small bookshelf next to the TV, "Just go back to doing to your work. Pretend like I'm not here. Wow, I never knew you had this much manga."

"Hey!" Temari grabbed the book out of his hands, "That's mine! I don't want your dirty hands all over it."

"My hands are not dirty. I wash them every day." Ryuzaki wandered over to the windowsill and looked at the two apples that had been placed there, "Why is there fruit on the window?"

The apples. Temari racked her brain for a good excuse, "It's something I used to do all the time in California a long time ago. I can't even remember why I started it. Old habits die hard, I guess."

Ryuzaki nodded, "Alright. So, would you like to head out to the café before it closes?"

"Sure. I could use a hot chocolate."

That was a close one. Temari looked back at the apples. Ever since Light was incarcerated, the apples hadn't been touched. She never saw Ryuk around either. But Temari kept leaving the apples for the day he came back.


"Hey guys!" Shikamaru waved from behind the counter, "Ryuzaki, do you need me for any help with the investigation?"

Ryuzaki shook his head, "We're just here for food. The usual please. Thank you for your help last time, by the way."

"Wait, he helped us? When?" Temari looked up at Ryuzaki. She never saw Shikamaru around the task force office. The only time that she wasn't involved in formulating a plan was when she and Matsuda were in the Yotsuba screw-up.....

Temari groaned, "Ryuzaki! You didn't!"

"Oh, I did." Ryuzaki responded, "Shikamaru was your stunt double for when you fake fell from the building."

"It was really cool. It'd totally do it again." Shikamaru brought out one large hot chocolate and a cardboard container that Temari assumed had a piece of strawberry shortcake in it.

Ryuzaki put his hands in his pockets, "I seem to have left my coins back at the office. Temari, would you mind covering this tonight?"

"Gladly." Temari replied. The last thing she needed was display of another one of Ryuzaki's embarrassing 'quirks' in front of Shikamaru.

She paid the boy for the sweets and in return he gave her a one of his award winning grins, the kind that made her stomach flip flop inside and cheeks turn red. Ryuzaki smiled. He liked watching the two children interact. The beginning of love, or at least a beautiful friendship, was flowing between them. Ryuzaki knew that Temari would be safe with him.

Ryuzaki and Temari walked along the same path to the hill as they did before. The city of Tokyo shined as bright as it did before, but this time something else glittered in the sky too. Stars. So many beautiful vibrant stars.

"Look at how pretty they are." Temari pointed to the luminous sky, "What do you think, Ryuzaki?"



"U." Ryuzaki repeated, "Your letter is U. Unexpected, unprecedented."

Temari was still too flabbergasted and confused to say anything. U? Letter? She sat down on the ground, as her legs were getting tired of standing.

"At Wammy's House a letter is awarded to the students that show the most potential." Ryuzaki explained, "These children are extraordinary in intelligence, deductive reasoning, and follow a predecessor. Only twenty six letters are given per generation. My letter is L. It stands for Lone One, or Lost One. I was alone, the successor to no one."

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