倒れた - Fallen

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"A corner of this page has been torn off." Ryuzaki remarked and looked up at the shinigami standing in front of him, "Can you kill a person just by writing their name on a piece of the notebook?"

"I don't know. Shinigami don't use the Death Note in that way." Rem answered.

Ryuzaki nodded and placed his thumb near to his mouth. No matter how many questions he asked, the shinigami wasn't willing to give any useful answers. It's been two weeks and he hasn't gotten any closer to figuring out the true identity of the original Kira. Just as he predicted, the day after Higuchi was killed criminals started dying again. Yotsuba and Higuchi were just vessels that he used at his disposal. It was almost like being back to square one.

The truth was, he still suspected Light Yagami. Light still almost never left Task Force Headquarters even though the handcuffs were removed and he was free to come and go as he pleased. The sinking feeling in his stomach never seemed to go away today. That must mean his deduction was right.

He had met with Watari late the previous night to discuss the future of Temari and Sayako. A trust had been set up for the children about a year ago to make sure they would never have financial issues. The money in that trust would last them both at least until their early twenties. If Watari's death should come, decent portion of his earnings were also to go towards the children's care. The Wammy Foundation was placed in charge of handling and distributing the money.

For the more foreseeable future, Saya was to stay in Japan and go to public elementary school as usual. She was to lead as normal of a life as possible. Maybe someday Saya would be let in on the truth, but that day wasn't to come for a long time.

As for Temari, her plans were up to her and her alone. He knew that she wasn't the type of person that gives up. She would stick through the Kira case to the very end. However, her safety and true name was the thing that concerned Ryuzaki the most. Light would go to whatever measures he could to find out his enemies identities and eliminate them.

Watari had printed up fake medical and personal records for both of the girls on Ryuzaki's command. All evidence of the last name Misora was to be destroyed. Saya already used the last name Penber in all of her school life; he highly doubted that she even knew that it had been changed. But Light didn't have any reason to kill Saya. She was just an innocent blissful seven year old that knew nothing about the case or investigation. It was Temari that he had a motive for.

Ryuzaki knew that Light wouldn't try any other methods besides the Death Note to kill Temari. An "accident" was too messy and unpredictable. If Temari managed to survive his cover would surely be blown. Light Yagami didn't take chances like that. With how well that Watari had hidden the truth, there was a very small chance Light would discover the girl's true name. Temari and Saya's survival was almost guaranteed. Yet, there was still doubt and anxiety in his mind.

"Hey! Ryuzaki!" Temari said and poked his shoulder, "Are you okay? Also, Watari has the chief director of the NPA on the line in his office. The telephone transfer system screwed up again so you're going to have to go to his office to talk to him. The rest of the task force should be gathering there now."

"I'm okay, don't worry." Ryuzaki assured the girl, "Stay down here and keep an eye on the shinigami. Oh, and try some of the panda cookies. They're limited edition."

Ryuzaki and Light ambled out of the room, leaving only Temari, Rem, and a half eaten box of panda shaped cookies behind. Temari took the snacks and munched on them to attempt to ease her awkwardness. Suddenly, a question popped into her mind. A question that she's been wanting the answer to for a long time.

"Hey, uh, Rem? Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead."

"Are there different kinds of notebooks?" She blurted out, "I once heard about a wishing notebook that grants wishes. The rules for it were like the Death Note, but it gave good things instead of bad. Um, Light told me about it."

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