決定 - Decision

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"Hey Light, Ryuzaki, could you come here for a minute?" Temari called from her computer, "I think I might have a lead for us."

The two main investigators looked at eachother and then went over to where Temari was sitting. The girl took a sip of her hot chocolate and pulled up a spreadsheet as well as a few graphs.

"So I was logging criminal deaths into the database just like I usually do and I noticed that successful businesspeople have been dying as well as criminals in prisons." She explained and clicked on the graph, "Naturally, I assumed that this had to be working in a certain company's favor. So I looked at the stocks for the past month or so and the company that has climbed the highest is Yotsuba. All of the people that died were the CEOs of Yotsuba's biggest competitors. This looks a little too specific to be a coincidence, don't you think?"

"Let me see that for a minute."

Light looked through the information that Temari had gathered. He nodded and turned back to Ryuzaki, "She's right. All of this information is spot on, it's incredible. Good job Tema."

"Yes." Ryuzaki agreed, "Excellent work."

Temari smiled and looked at the ground bashfully, "Thank you."

"So, looking at this information, we can conclude that punishing criminals is not this Kira's only intent. Punishing criminals is only a diversion to distract the public that he's picking off businesspeople for the benefit of his company." Light looked over at Ryuzaki, "Are you feeling a bit more motivated now?"

The door to the investigation room opened and Chief Yagami and Mogi came in. Matsuda bounded over to them, his excitement bubbling, "Guys, we've got a lead! I'm not sure how she figured it out, but Temari was able to connect the killings to the Yotsuba group. Isn't that great? We've got a clue!"

"That is good news. Outstanding job, Temari." The chief said and nodded respectfully in her direction, "We just spoke with the director and it seems that Kira has offered a bribe. Kira said that as long as the NPA doesn't pursue him anymore he will not lay a hand on any politicians. So that's that. The police caved in."

Matsuda gasped, "What? They did? So does that mean that the task force will have to be disbanded?"

"Not necessarily. In order to keep working in the task force you must turn in a letter of resignation to the NPA." The chief explained, "Mogi and I have already prepared ours. Aizawa, Matsuda, you must do the same if you would like to keep working on this case. They made it quite clear that if you continue to work with L you will be fired."

"Count me in! I'm going to quit the police department and catch Kira!" Matsuda pumped his fist in the air, "I still have my job as Misamisa's manager. Besides, if I had gone back to the police force I would have felt like a total loser-"

Temari tugged on the sleeve of his suit, "Think before you speak, Uncle Matsu." She said, shooting a worried glance back at Aizawa.

Aizawa had his head down, he was obviously torn by the choice. Temari knew that he had a young daughter and wife to care for. Resigning from the police department would mean that no money would be brought in to support the family. They would be living in almost a financial crisis if he stayed with the task force.

"Is there any way I can keep my job and help the investigation in my spare time?" Aizawa asked, turning to face the crouching man eating cherries in front of the computers.

Ryuzaki shook his head, "I'm afraid that there is not. If you decide to remain a police officer please don't come back."

"But you know I won't leak information!" He pleaded.

"I won't be sharing any of our information."

A crackling sound came over the intercom as Watari's symbol flashed across the screens, "Early on in the investigation you specifically told me that if a task force member were to lose their job I should make preparations to make sure that their financial future would be secure. If you recall, a trust fund was set aside for that purpose."

"Now is not the time or place, Watari." Ryuzaki mumbled and turned off the intercom, making the fancy W symbol disappear.

Aizawa's face turned into a scowl similar to the one that he often wore when Matsuda spoke. But there was much more anger in this one. Temari leaned against Matsuda, hoping that would lower her anxiety. For the first time in her life she was afraid that a man was going to hit her.

"See, all this time there was nothing to worry about!" Matsuda exclaimed in his usual cheerful manner, "Isn't this great news, Aizawa?"

But Temari knew that news of the fund wasn't enough to calm the furious man. She had always gotten the feeling that Aizawa really didn't like Ryuzaki. Aizawa didn't really have a particular fondness for people in general, but Ryuzaki especially seemed to get on his nerves.

"Ryuzaki," He said slowly, "I assume that was some kind of test to determine of committed I am to the task force."

"It's not like that, Aizawa," Chief Yagami jumped in, "Ryuzaki must have just forgotten to mention it, you know how he is."

"No. I was testing you." Ryuzaki answered, "I wanted to see which one you would choose."

Rage filled Aizawa's face more than ever before. Temari's heart raced like a runner on the homestretch of the race of their lives. She hoped that she wouldn't have to break up the second fistfight of the day.

"Fine!" Aizawa snarled, "If I wasn't sure before, I am now. I quit! Now I know this for sure, I've always hated Ryuzaki. I hate him and his way of doing things!" He spun on his heels and angrily stalked out of the room.

Ryuzaki studied the last two cherries he held in his right hand, "That's too bad. I like you, Aizawa."

"And I also hate the way you always have to have the last word! That's it, I'm out of here."

"Thank you for everything."

Ryuzaki picked the stem off of one of the small fruits, letting it drop into the bowl below with the spit out pits. Temari felt a strange pang in her heart. Although he was grumpy and strict, Aizawa was a good and productive cop. How was the investigation function successfully without him?


hello friends! ily all soooo much

also the next chapter is really cute so im just gonna publish it also

QOTD: anime with the worst fandom?

i would say a tie between attack on titan or yuri!!! on ice. i cant stand the amount of gay-fetishizing straight girls in either of them.

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