愛 - Love

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Temari knocked at the door, "Ryuzaki? Can I come in? I've got your 3 AM snack."

The lock unclicked and Temari opened the door as well as she could considering that she was holding two ice cream sundaes, one with extra chocolate sauce. Ryuzaki was sitting in his usual perched position in front of the computer system.

"Thank you Temari." He greeted her and took his chocolate coated ice cream, "You should go back to bed. There's a busy day for you in the morning."

She shook her head, "I want to play Shogi."

"Very well." Ryuzaki sighed, "They're all sleeping so I guess I don't really have anything to watch."

The girl nodded and got the game from the shelf where it was kept. Temari had been coming to the investigation room at night lately. Ryuzaki always told her to go to bed, but let her stay anyway as long a she brought him food. She had a feeling that he enjoyed her company as she did his. They talked about anything and everything.

Ryuzaki treated Temari with a gentleness she'd never experienced before. If someone was too hard on her or treated her unequally, he'd correct them. He treated her like she was an equal, like he cared for her. That meant everything to Temari.

"So Temari, why have you been coming down here late at night?" He inquired, "Surely you have better things to do."

Temari had started setting up the pieces of the game on the small coffee table in front of the couch but when Ryuzaki asked his last question she paused for a minute. The king piece was held tightly in her hand. "I was lonely." She finally said.

"Lonely? You have your sister and Watari, they will surely keep you company."

"That's not the kind of loneliness I mean, Ryuzaki. I mean the kind you feel deep in your heart." Tears started to prick at the corners of her eyes, "You know that loneliness, don't you?"

Ryuzaki put his spoon down and watched as the ice cream slowly melted and turned into mush. He knew exactly what she was talking about. The loneliness that came with having no parents, no friends, no one that understood you. He'd carried that feeling of despair deep in his heart just like she had. He knew what it was like.

"Yes, Temari. I do know that loneliness."

The girl nodded as a few more tears dripped down her face, "I knew you did. You understand, Ryuzaki. You understand like no one else."

A four letter word popped into Ryuzaki's mind. He nibbled his nails as he tried to comprehend what he should do with it. He had heard this word many times in his life but he never thought it might be relevant to him. That is, until now.

"Temari, would you mind explaining to me what love is?"

Temari took a deep breath, "Love is when something is precious to you. You want with all your heart to protect it." Her voice grew softer, "Like you, Ryuzaki. I love you. You're precious to me. You're the family I never truly had."

"Well," Ryuzaki said thoughtfully, "If you put it like that, I think I love you too Temari."

Ryuzaki watched in surprise as the dam holding the girl's tears burst and rolled down her cheeks. This certainly wasn't the reaction he expected.

"Did I say it wrong? I'm sorry." He apologized.

Temari shook her head, "Don't say sorry. You did everything right. Exactly right!"

Within a flash the she had flung herself into Ryuzaki's arms. Unsure of what to do in this situation, he patted her head and then rubbed her back. Ryuzaki's mind was still in a state of confusion. If he was right then why is she crying?

"Don't leave me." Temari pulled away and looked up at him with the tear filled eyes of a broken child, "Don't say you care and then leave. That's the worst kind of pain to me. Promise me you'll stay."

Ryuzaki's eyes wandered to what was left of his ice cream sundae. The dessert had completely melted into a brown sticky disarray, only the cherry remained untouched. A vibrant streak of red against the sloppy mess of chocolate.

"I can't make any promises whether I will live or die." He said slowly, "But I will say as long as I am alive I will be here for you. And even when I am gone I will still be in your memories, giving you whatever you need to get through your life. I promise."


i love temari and l's bond

so cute

QOTD: 50% off or sword art online abridged?

i didn't like the original sao so the abridged version gives me life every single time but 50% off goes from kinda gay to GAY GAY GAY GAY so i'll have to choose it for my favorite (plus i am literally makoto)

also you guys should check out ouran gsa

i love it haruhi is nonbinary and everything is also gay

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