家族 - Family

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Saya skipped down the hallway clutching three brightly colored papers. She hummed a joyful tune and twirled around, accidentally bumping into Light Yagami.

"Watch your step, little one." Light laughed and ruffled her hair, "What makes you so happy?"

"Light we have to get going. The rest of the team is waiting." Ryuzaki reminded him and tugged on the handcuff that connected them.

Saya clutched the papers close to her chest, "I have something to give to you guys and Uncle Matsu. But I want to do it all at once."

"Alright." Ryuzaki hesitantly agreed, "Come this way."

When they got to the investigation room Temari was more than a bit surprised to see her little sister. Devoid of her usual chatter, she stood awkwardly in the doorway holding Light's hand.

"Saya!" Matsuda exclaimed and kissed the little girl's cheeks, "What brings you here?"

She let go of Light's hand and stood before Matsuda, looking shyly at the ground, "I have something to give you."

"What is it?"

Saya gave Matsuda one of the papers he had hidden behind her back, "It's an invitation for family night at school."

"Family night?" Matsuda's eyes sparkled, "I'd love to go!"

"Do you promise? Daddy promised but he never came." Saya's gaze returned to the floor.

Matsuda took the young girl into his arms and hugged her close, "I'm not like your daddy. I keep my promises to the people I love. I promise I will come to Family Night. You can count on me."

Saya snuggled deeply into his shoulder, "I love you, Uncle Matsu."

"I love you too, Miss Sayako. Is there anyone else you'd like to invite to Family Night?"

The little girl nodded and let go of the young man. She handed flyers to Ryuzaki and Light, "You can come too, if you want. And Temari."

"I want to go!" Light responded immediately and then looked expectantly at Ryuzaki, who was still studying the paper.

"Well," Ryuzaki pondered, "If Light is going and I am connected to Light, I guess I really don't have a choice in the matter. Will there be cookies?"

Saya smiled, "Uh huh. My teacher said we're all baking sweets earlier in the day. There will be plenty of cookies for you, Ryu."

The messy black haired man bent down and gently tweaked Saya's nose, causing her to smile even wider. He took her small hand, "I've never really had a family so this concept of love and caring is new to me. Sayako, can you tell me how I can let people know that I love and care for them?"

"That's easy!" Saya replied, "You hold them close don't let go. Then you just say it."

"What do you say?"

Saya giggled, "You're so silly sometimes, Ryu. You say 'I love you'. It's as simple as that."

"Alright then. Here I go." Ryuzaki did exactly as Saya had told him to do. He gathered up the little girl in his arms and held her close. "I love you." But instead of happiness and warmth, he felt the wet drops of tears being absorbed by his shirt.

Ryuzaki remembered the night with Temari when he first brought up love. She told him that he had done it right but he wasn't sure. For all of his life crying had meant sadness, that something bad and tragic had happened. Love was supposed to be a good thing. Why is it that people cry whenever they are told that they are loved?


"C'mon guys, we're gonna be late!" Temari put on her final shoe and knocked on Ryuzaki's door, "Are you almost done?"

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