見つけた - Found

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"Misamisa and Mogi sure are late." Matsuda remarked anxiously and looked at the clock hanging above the doorway.

"Shhhhhh." Temari hushed him and concentrated her attention back on the gameboard in front of her. This time it was not Ryuzaki she was playing, but Light. Ryuzaki watched intensely from his chair next to them.

Light bit his lip and moved a bishop forward, which Temari quickly stole and reclaimed as her own. He groaned and cursed under his breath. However, Temari was having problems of her own. Light had made sure to protect all of his pawns so that she could only gather the more powerful pieces. He had ended up capturing most of her pawns.

"This is very interesting." Ryuzaki remarked, "The tables have turned, haven't they, Temari?"

"Shut up and eat your cake." Temari grumbled and placed her head in between her hands. Only Ryuzaki could invoke the more feisty side of her. He was the only one that could rival her objective focused attitude and turn it against her.

Ryuzaki chuckled, "My, my. Someone's lively today. Have you eaten today? Did you get enough sugar?"

Temari chose to ignore him and continue on with the game. But whenever she moved a piece, Light just spun around and captured it. The same went for when Light took his turn. They were going nowhere in this game.

"It's obvious that we're going to tie." Light pushed the board away from him and stood up, "How about we call it a draw and try again later?"

"I agree."

"No!" Ryuzaki interjected, "Continue. This is an important test." He grabbed a Pocky stick from the table and pointed to Temari's pieces, "I told Light to gather all of Temari's pawns. I knew that she would use that method of attack first and foremost. So Temari was forced to play offence, a role that she isn't used to quite yet. However, Light prefers to head right to the source and cut it off right then and there."

The Pocky stick moved to the Light's king, "Both of you were put in a situation out of your comfort zone. If you two in cooperation going to take over as L, it is vital that you are used to playing both sides. I also was curious to see how Light would react if he lost to a thirteen year old."

"Ryuzaki! Light! I have important information for us!" Misa burst in the office doors, an exhausted looking Mogi behind her.

"Higuchi is Kira!" She exclaimed and spun around, knocking the shogi board and Ryuzaki's Pocky sticks off the table. Temari sighed and started to pick them up. She knew that Misa certainly wasn't going to bother to.

Of all the Yotsuba men, Temari remembered Higuchi as the perviest of them all. At the impromptu party there wasn't a second when a pretty girl wasn't sitting on his lap. She also remembered Misa complaining about his incessant texts and calls from time to time.

"You can't just make accusations like that." Light told her, "Do you have any proof?"

Misa nodded excitedly and pulled her cell phone out of her purse, "I have it all recorded! Just listen."

The task force eagerly leaned in and listened to the footage that Misa had gotten on her phone.

"I'm Kira so in order to make you trust me I'll prove that I'm him, I'll stop killing criminals for the time being. Once you are fully convinced I'm a real thing, you and I will get married." Higuchi's voice proclaimed and the recording shut off.

"All right!" Matsuda cheered, "Once the killings stop we can go arrest Higuchi! That's amazing Misamisa!"

"What do you think, Ryuzaki?" Temari asked the crouching man. He seemed to be deep in concentration. His hands slowly built a wobbly looking structure made out of Pocky sticks.

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