絆 - Bonds

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Light walked down the street, two bags of candy in his hands. Ryuzaki gave everyone the day off today so now was the perfect time to bond with Temari. Step one was the candy. Step two is a trip to Disneyland in Tokyo. No kid on this earth could resist that.

He has to get her on his side. She knows more than she should and it's vital that she keeps that to herself.

"Hello Light." Watari greeted him as he came into the kitchen where what seemed like breakfast was being prepared, "Did Ryuzaki summon you up here? The entire task force has the day off."

"Hi!" Saya called from the kitchen table, "Who's the candy for?"

"It's for you." Light set a bag beside her, "And Temari. I was hoping that maybe we could go on a trip to Disneyland today."

Watari nodded, "I'm sure she'd like that. You'd have to ask Ryuzaki for permission. He might have plans for her today."

"Of course. Where is Temari? Does she come up for breakfast?"

Saya shook her head, "Temari eats in her room. And can I pretty please come with you guys?" She pulled on Light's hand, "Please?"

"We'll see." Light assured her, "But now I have to go ask Temari. We can't go at all if she doesn't want to."

The little girl put her hands on her hips, "She better say yes. I wanna see Mickey Mouse."

"Her bedroom is the first door to the left." Watari handed the older boy a tray of breakfast food, which included two shiny red apples. Light heard Ryuk lick his lips from behind him, "She'll be more likely to say yes if you bring her food."

Light went down the hallway and knocked on Temari's door. He heard a muffled reply and assumed that he was given permission to come in.

"Good morning Temari." Light said cheerfully, "Watari told me to give your breakfast to you. And I bought candy for you and Saya."

The young girl stared at him, her face full of confusion, "What do you want from me?"

"I don't want anything from you. I just brought you food." Light handed her the tray, "Go ahead and eat. "

Temari mumbled a thank you and took the sustenance. She noticed the shinigami in the doorway eying the fruit, "Do you want an apple, Ryuk?"

"Yes please." Ryuk nodded enthusiastically. Temari tossed the apple in his direction and he eagerly gobbled it up. She chuckled and gave him the second one also.

"I'll start leaving apples on my windowsill for you." Temari offered, "Would you like that?"

"Very much. I'm liking this girl." Ryuk turned to the brown haired boy, "You better keep her around for a while."

"She's a good kid, Ryuk." Light smiled, "Oh and since we have a day off do you want to go to Disneyland in Tokyo?"

Temari choked on her piece of toast, "Disneyland? Why Disneyland and why me?"

Light shrugged, "Do I really have to have a reason? People are allowed to do nice things for you. And also Saya really wants to go and it's going to be pretty difficult to get her to change her mind."

"Fine." Temari set the tray down on her bed, "I'll go. But Ryuzaki was supposed to teach me how to play chess today. I was really looking forward to that."

"I'm sure he can teach you another time." Light assured her, "Why don't we go ask him right now, Tema?"

Temari nodded and tiptoed out to the main investigation room where Ryuzaki was most likely to be. Light followed quietly behind her. To their surprise, the door was unlocked and wide open.

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