崩壊する - Crumbling

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"Fellow Kira supporters, do not rush the building all at once!" Demegawa commanded, "The traitors my attempt to blend in with the crowd to escape! I am Kira's loyal servant and spokesperson. You must listen to me! Pull them from the building and put them in front of the cameras, they will be a sacrifice to Kira!"

Temari shook her head, "Disgusting." She mumbled, "Truly disgusting."

"Near, it looks like you've got no choice but to evacuate the building." Light said with an evil sparkle in his eye.

"Quit it!" Temari hissed to him, "You're making yourself look more suspicious!"

"I agree with U." Near responded calmly, "You got some nerve saying that, especially since you are Kira."

Light's expression changed, "Are you still going on about that? You're jumping to conclusions!"

"Think about it. With all the anti-Kira groups around, why are we the only one being targeted? Especially so soon after I brought up the possibility of you being a suspect, L." Near's tone became more urgent, "Members of the task force! Kira is likely among you, even as we speak he is in the room. Think about this carefully."

Near logged off after saying his final statement, leaving the task force to watch the chaos enfolding out on the screens before them. Explosions went off every few minutes and fires scattered spasmodically across the grass. Temari wondered what the SPK was planning to do.

Green papers slowly floated down from the sky. The mob stopped for a minute and looked to discover what the mysterious papers were. All of a sudden, the rioting became more intense than ever before as shouts came up from the ground below.

"Money! It's raining money!"

A whole storm of bills came from above and the task to invade the building was quickly forgotten as people scrambled to grab as much money as they could hold. Temari was mystified. How did they get that much paper money? Demegawa's cameras were completely covered in the downpour.

"Whoa." Matsuda stood amazed in front of the screen, "That's a lot of money. I wish I was there right now."

"Matsuda." Ide chided him.

Light switched the screen from Sakura TV to a more respectable news show. The police were now moving in to control to the rioters. They wore heavy bulletproof clothing and helmets similar to the kind that the task force wore when rescuing Temari and the Death Note from the mafia.

Aizawa kept a careful watch on Light as he scrutinized the police officers on the screen. When the police were exiting the building Aizawa noticed that Light seemed to curse to himself after the line of officers ended. Was he looking for someone?


"Girls, isn't it time to go to bed?" Aizawa came into the kitchen where the two children were staring into the open refrigerator expectantly, "What are you looking at in here?"

"We made fudge!" Yumi told her father with an excited smile, "Doesn't it look yummy?"

Saya grinned, "You've been working really hard, Dad. We thought you might like some sweets. Share them with the rest of the police officers too."

Aizawa drew both of the little girls in for a hug, "That's very thoughtful of you two. I'm sure everyone will love it. Now, I think it's time for you little chefs to go to sleep. There's school in the morning."

"But Dadddddyyyyyy!" Yumi whined, "We wanna try it too!"

"Yeah! We wanna make sure it's good! Can we have five more minutes?" Saya pleaded.

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