リリースされ - Released

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"Near, we've just received a report that the director of the Japanese Police Agency has been killed."

"I see." A short boy with hair as white as glistening snow said and gingerly placed the last piece on top of the fourth matchtower he had made, "By whom?"

"By the kidnappers of course," His coworker responded, "Who else?"

"It would be interesting if it turned out to be Kira." A tall attractive man said from the back.

Near lined up more matches, "That's a very good point, Gevanni. The kidnappers can't trade for the notebook if their hostage is dead; therefor it protects Kira's interests. If it is Kira I can narrow down our list of suspects considerably. Commander Rester, did you find anything else about Mello?"

"No." Rester shook his head, "We were able to confirm that he left the institution four years ago. His current whereabouts are unknown."

The boy said nothing and pulled out a photograph, placing it close to the careful line of matches on the computer desk. Smiling eyes peeked out from dirty blond bangs. Near smirked and shook his head. Mello, you never change. You always overlook the most important things because you let your emotions get the better of you.

Rester's cell phone rang. The number displayed was unknown to him. Nevertheless, he picked up anyway, "Hello?"

"This is L."

He pulled the phone away from his ear, "It's L."

Near held his hand out, "Pass me the phone, please."

"We have already heard what your agent Larry Conners has said in regards to the notebook and the Kira case. Will you help us with the investigation into NPA director Takimura's death?"

A slow smile appeared across Near's face, "I'm pleased to meet you at last, L number two."

Meanwhile in Japan, Light's mind was spiraling. L number two? How did he know? No one knew about L's death except for the task force members. How did this person know?

"Number two?" Light asked, trying desperately to keep his level head, "What do you mean by that? Who are you?"

"There's really no point in trying to hide it. We are a new American organization known as the SPK, or Special Provision for Kira. It was established to capture Kira without the help of L." Near twirled a lock of his wavy hair around his index finger, "Furthermore, seven of our top members already know of L's death. I am the center of the SPK. You can address me as N."

This situation started to look a whole lot familiar to Light. Creepy voice filters, one letter aliases, Light knew what this meant. This N was another L. Dammit! Just as he had gotten rid of the first, this one just had to pop up and create a whole new problem for him to solve.

"I told you that we wouldn't rely on L but that's an understatement. The FBI and CIA had explicitly asked that I head up the investigation, not you." Near continued, "Having said that, we are outraged by the recent murder of the director of the NPA and feel that something must be done. After reviewing the information I believe there is a possibility that solving this case could lead to the arrest of Kira. As such, I'm willing to lend you my full support."

This overconfidence, Light fumed, I have only known one other person that talked this way

"Is there a problem, L?"

Light shook his head, "No, it's just that following the death of Takimura, Deputy Director Yagami's daughter and another member of our team was kidnapped. We believe the same person is behind it and they've arranged for a trade in Los Angeles."

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