友情と悪夢 - Friendships and Bad Puns

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"Okay I get why I have to come up here, I am connected to you all that, but why is Temari here?" Light asked the slouching man on his left.

To Temari's relief, Ryuzaki had decided to take the elevator. He pressed the button to Misa's floor while he answered Light, "She is also L in training. I didn't want to mention this in front of the rest of the task force, but if I were to die you and Temari are to take over as the detective known as L."

"She's just a kid." Light looked over at Temari who crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out playfully as a comeback to his statement, "Don't you think she's a bit young to take on that responsibility?"

Ryuzaki shook his head, " Where I come from age is just a number. Intelligence surpasses all other variables. Temari is more than capable of becoming L on her own but I would like you two to work together. Besides, you have a bit more experience than she does. You two will make an excellent team." The door to the elevator opened, "Anyway, enough on that topic. We're here."

"Light! Ryuzaki! Temari!" A makeup covered Saya ran down the hallway and flung herself into Light's arms, "Hi! Misa was going to walk me down to my room!"

"Hello Sayako." Ryuzaki greeted her, "What were you and Miss Amane doing together?"

Saya let go of Light and then reattached herself onto Ryuzaki, "Misa did my makeup and taught me how to model! But then Watari called and said I had to go to bed. He's such a meanie. He wouldn't even let me have five more minutes!"

"Poor you." Ryuzaki agreed condescendingly, "We were actually just going to speak to Misa. How about you go see if Matsuda is down in the investigation room? If he's still there I'm sure he'd be glad to put you to bed."

"Uncle Matsu! I wanna see Uncle Matsu! He tucks me in the best." Saya ran over to the elevator and pressed the button to make it open, "Goodnight!"

"Are you sure we can trust her going to find Matsuda all by herself?" Light looked back at the elevator doors, which had just closed.

Ryuzaki shrugged, "Probably not. Oh well. Let's go find Misa."

Temari sneezed. All sorts of overpoweringly manufactured smells reached and tickled Temari's nose. She knew they must be getting close.

"Lighhhhtttttttt!!!!!" A blonde girl tackled Light to the ground, dragging Ryuzaki down with him.

"I'm so happy you're here!" Misa rubbed her cheek against his and tried her best to cuddle as Light desperately resisted.

Ryuzaki leaned in close to her, "So tell me Misa, do you love Light from the bottom of your heart?"

"Of course I do!" Misa retorted and clung to the struggling boy harder, "I love Light will all my heart!"

"But you also worship Kira. If you had to pick between Light and Kira who would you choose?"

Misa stuck up her nose, "I would choose Light of course! I'm grateful to Kira for punishing the man who killed my parents and I would like to meet him one day, but that's not true love like the love I have for Light."

"I see." Ryuzaki responded, "So if you were given the opportunity to work with Light on this investigation?"

"What?" Temari burst out, "Are you serious?"

Ryuzaki nodded, "I'm planning to drop an 'anonymous tip' to Yotsuba that Misa Amane was detained under suspicion of being the second Kira. If the Yotsuba Group believes that Misa could be their lead to finding L, then they will want to meet her to discuss their advertising campaign. They'll use that opportunity to question her. Thanks to Matsuda's screwup, they may already be considering Misa as their new spokesperson so this could work.

"No. We can't do that." Light immediately shot the idea down.

"Why not?" Temari asked, "It sounds like it could work out pretty well."

"It's too risky." He argued, "If they suspect that you might know who L really is, we don't know how far they would be willing to go to get that information. They might get Kira to try to kill her. Kira can manipulate a person's actions before death, so Kira would control her actions to get her to reveal what she knows and then kill her."

Misa looked up at Light with adoring eyes, "Don't worry! I promise not to tell them anything even if they torture me!" Like usual, Temari thought that Misa sounded a little too exuberant considering how dangerous the situation was.

"You forget that if we win against Kira, Misa won't die." Ryuzaki said,
Besides, as long as we are handcuffed together, you and I share the same fate.
If I die, so will you. If that happens, Misa is the one who would grieve most of all.
Either we lose and both die together or we successfully catch Kira. Which is it?"

"We catch Kira!" Misa cheered, "I can't imagine a world without Light!"

"Yes, that would be dark."

Temari laughed. Ryuzaki's sense of humor was strange but always seemed to make her smile.

"Cut it out!" Light complained and tugged on the handcuffs, "You can't do this!"

Ryuzaki shrugged, "I agree that I wouldn't have done it earlier in the investigation, but we're running out of time and I'm starting to get desperate. As for Misa Amane, I've turned to her because I know her bravery and love for you is boundless."

"Do you really mean it?" The blonde girl went over to Ryuzaki's side, "Oh no, I think I totally misunderstood you all this time. I even called you a pervert!
But you actually do understand how I feel, don't you?"

"Yes!" Ryuzaki proclaimed, "Misa Amane is indisputably the most perfect and worthy woman for Light."

If looks could kill, Ryuzaki would have dropped dead on the ground. Light hated how he was just encouraging Misa and getting her hopes up just for the sake of the investigation. This also meant that she would probably want to spend more time with him than usual. Temari knew that there was only so much of Misa time he could take and Ryuzaki was dangling his patience over the line.

"You're such a sweetie, Ryuzaki." Misa stood on her tiptoes and pecked him on the cheek.

"I could actually fall for you." The black haired man mumbled and placed his hand to the spot Misa kissed.

She shook her head, "Let's not go that far. We can all be friends though. Would that be okay?"

"Yes." Ryuzaki pressed his fingers to his chin, "And now I've gained yet another friend. That makes three."

"Of course! Any friend of Light is a friend of mine."

Misa grabbed Temari and Ryuzaki's hands, "We're all friends! Me, Ryuzaki, Light, and Temari. Together we'll find and arrest Kira!"


short but fluffy :)

QOTD: tell me about why you like anime.  what got you into it and what characters can you relate to the most?

i like anime simply because i can identify with animated characters more than real people.  also in anime the characters have very distinct characteristics and that helps me learn their names better lol

i identify a lot with minorin from toradora! because on the outside she's kinda dumb and over excitable but at her core she's really really smart and always creative no matter what the circumstance

also yuuri katsuki from yuri!!! on ice because he's not even remotely heterosexual and always anxious and im like same

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