くしゃみ - Sneeze

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Temari clenched her eyes and groaned. She could hear a mumbled version of Matsuda's daily pop culture recitation and the clicking keys on a computer keyboard. Exhaustion still flooded her mind. All Temari remembered was talking to Light and crying. But now more than anything she wanted to sleep.

"Hey Temari!" Matsuda shook the girl's shoulders, "Wake up!"

"Argh!" Temari flailed around, startled by the noise. The sudden movement caused the chair to tip over and the girl to come crashing to the ground. She mumbled a few swear words as she rubbed her sore head.

Light chuckled, "You're falling all over the place, Tema."

"Shut up. I'm tired." Temari grumbled.

Aizawa stood up and looked Light in the eye, "Light, there's something I need to tell you. I called Near last night."

"It's okay." Light said, "I should have figured that one of you would contact him eventually. What did you two talk about?" He paused and shook his head, "No, I'm not in any position to be the one asking that question  Nevermind."

The older man took a deep breath, "Light, I hate to do this again, but I'd like to put you and Misa Amane under surveillance again."

Light nodded, "I understand. Our place is open if you would like to do a search."

"Thank you for your cooperation. Temari, come with me to Light and Misa's apartment."

"Sure." Temari nodded.

She and Aizawa took a taxi and arrived at the flat where the more than slightly dysfunctional couple lived. As soon as they got off the elevator Temari sneezed. It was Misa's and only Misa's perfume that made her sneeze like crazy.

"Monchichi! Temarin!" Misa greeted them, wearing nothing but frilly pink lingerie.

"Did you just call him monchichi?" Temari asked, "Like the weird monkey doll?"

Misa nodded enthusiastically, "Uh-huh! When he had his old afro hair he looked just like a monchichi!"

Temari snickered as Aizawa shot her a dirty look

"So why are you guys here?" Misa asked, "Is everything okay?"

"We just heard a rumor that bombs had been placed in the new L's house." Aizawa lied, "I highly doubt it's true but we'd like to make sure."

"Oh no! Is Light okay? Should I call him?" Misa pulled out her cell phone.

"Light is just fine." Temari assured her, "He'll be safe. We're just concerned about your safety. Please let us search your house for explosives."

Misa turned up her nose, "Fine. But Mochi better come soon. Monchichi isn't monchichi without his old hair. He's just not cute anymore."

Temari smiled and stepped into the apartment, prompting another sneeze and dirty look from her superior.

"Sorry." She mumbled and hurried into the kitchen.

The place was surprisingly clean. Knowing Misa's sporadic personality, she would have guessed it to be a bit messier. Temari's nose twitched. She exhaled sharply and counted to ten. The inevitable was coming.


"Bless you!" Misa called from the living room.

"Achoo! Achoo!"

"Bless you bless you!"


The blonde haired girl popped her head in the kitchen, "Jeez Temarin, that's a lot of sneezing. Do you have allergies or something?"

"Alright Temari, I'm done with both of the bedrooms and bathrooms." Aizawa announced, "How are you doing in there?"

"Temarin just sneezed like ten times!" Misa giggled, "She hasn't even finished all the cupboards in the kitchen!"

The darker girl shook her head frantically, "Misa! Don't tell him that! He's going to get mad at me!"

Aizawa came into the room and crossed his arms, "You really haven't finished the kitchen yet?"

"Yeah." Temari looked down at the ground, "Too much perfume makes my nose itch." She could feel another sneeze coming but forced herself to hold it in until she felt like she was going to explode.

"Go back to the station and bring Mogi down here. You're not going to able to search efficiently if that keeps up."

The dejected girl nodded, "Okay. Sorry, Aizawa."

Aizawa grunted, "Just get Mogi here quickly."


"Temari! You're back!" Matsuda cheered, "It's almost time for Kira's kingdom!"

"Is Aizawa okay? Why are you back here?" Light asked

"I kept sneezing because of Misa's perfume and it was annoying him." Temari explained, "Also, Mogi you're supposed to take my place and Aizawa isn't going to like it if you take your time getting to the apartment."

Mogi briskly nodded, "Got it, boss. I'll head down immediately."

Meanwhile, the sparkles on the television became brighter and brighter until they fizzled out and displayed Demegawa in all his robed glory. Today's episode was supposed to display people that Demegawa had chosen as "Kira's Ambassadors" or something like that.

All of a sudden, the men on the screen started collapsing one after the other. Temari gasped and stood up. Eventually the only one left was Demegawa himself. He whimpered and retreated to the back of the stage.

"No." Temari whispered, "He wouldn't."

Demegawa clutched his chest and fell to the ground. Half a second after the Sakura TV standby screen flashed on the screen.

"What the hell?" Aizawa exclaimed, "Why would Kira kill his own supporters?"

"Maybe it's because Demegawa was going way overboard." Matsuda suggested.

"That could be a possibility" Light supposed, "But this is horrible."


i love writing all of temari's lil quirks i think she's pretty cute

QOTD: tell me the weirdest anime you've ever watched (you gotta say the name of the anime or it doesnt count)

ok so there's this anime called first love monster and it's about this high school girl that almost gets hit by a bus on the first day of school but she's saved by a boy (that she inevitably falls in love with).  she decides date this boy but later finds out that he is a fifth grader.  and yes, like a true warrior, i watched all of it.  down to the very last episode.

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