新計画 - A New Plan

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"They're here!" As soon as she saw the three tired humans coming through the security cameras in the lobby the young girl ran as fast as she could into the young man's arms, "I'm so glad you're back."

Light grinned and hugged her back, "Me too, Tema."

"You do need to take a shower." Temari crinkled her nose and broke the embrace, "That's quite a nasty smell you've got going."

The four of them went back up to the main investigation room. Misa was excitedly telling all about their brush with death to Temari, who pretended to care. She knew that telling Misa that she'd seen the whole thing through the camera in the driver's window wouldn't do anything to put a damper on her exhilaration.

They finally arrived at the doorway to the room. However, within approximately four seconds of his entrance, Ryuzaki handcuffed Light. But this pair of handcuffs was a bit different. A chain about three or four feet long ran between the two metal circles and only one of Light's hands had been shackled. The other cuff was connected to Ryuzaki.

"Are you sure this is necessary?" Light asked and feebly held up his iron-clad hand.

"Yes." Ryuzaki immediately responded, "This is how we will remain until Kira is brought to justice. Connected by these handcuffs."

Misa studied Ryuzaki carefully, "You know, looking at you I never would have guessed. Are you on that side of the fence?"

"I told you, I'm not doing this because I want to."

She stomped her foot, "But Light belongs to me! I don't want to share him with you! If you're with him 24/7 how are we supposed to go on dates together?"

"You can still go on dates." Ryuzaki assured her, "It'll just have to be the three of us."

Temari smiled. She loved the way Ryuzaki said things in situations like this.

"No way!" Misa retorted, "You mean we have to kiss in front of you and stuff?"

"I'm not telling you to do anything. But yes, I suppose I would be watching." He said thoughtfully.

"You're so gross! You really are a pervert, aren't you?"

"Light please make Misa stop talking now."

Now the giggles escaped, like nimble bubbles floating through the air. Temari couldn't help noticing that Matsuda was having trouble keeping in his own amusement.

"Hey!" Misa turned around the face Temari, "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing." Temari said and tried to hide her enjoyment of the situation, "Just go back to talking."

"Misa that's enough. The police already established that it was you who sent those tapes. They have every right to keep you in prison. You're lucky to even be here right now." Light reprimanded her sternly.

Her eyes grew wide, "But Light I'm your girlfriend. Don't you trust your own soulmate?"

"Soulmate? You were the one that fell in love with me at first sight, remember?"

At this point Temari was ready to explode from holding her laughter in. It was getting really hard to breathe without the risk of letting a snicker or two out. She quickly excused herself from the room and Matsuda soon followed. They collapsed on the floor and giggled together like grade school children.

"Temari, Matsuda, if you're done getting out your immaturity can you please come back?" Ryuzaki called, "And Temari? I would like some more sugar cubes."

The two slightly naïve police officers in training followed their orders and came back into the room. Temari made a mental note to get the sugar after Ryuzaki was done talking.

"Misa will be staying under twenty four hour surveillance." Ryuzaki explained, "You will be moving into this building and are encouraged to continue your normal daily life, but Mr. Matsuda and Miss Temari will be accompanying you with all private and work related affairs."

"Are you sure you need both of us?" Matsuda asked, "I think I can do it by myself."

Ryuzaki shook his head, "I would like both of you to act as her managers. Tarou Matsui and Temari Kawaharu are the aliases you are to use."

"All right!" Matsuda high fived the younger girl, "I get to spend time with the famous Misamisa and my niece. This is going to be awesome!"

The messy haired man motioned for Temari to come closer. "We all know Matsuda can't be productive on his own like this." He whispered to her, "Your job is to look for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary and stop any possible information leaks. Understand?"

Temari nodded, "I got it."

"These two are my managers?" Misa complained, "But one is so old and the other is like 10. I can't have an old man and a little kid helping me, I'll look so bad."

"Aw come on!" Matsuda said, obviously dejected, "I'll be a great manager, Misamisa. Is it the tie? 'Cause I can get a new one-"

Aizawa, who had been quietly holding in his temper on the couch, suddenly stood up. Temari prepared herself for a lot of yelling. As far as cops went, Aizawa was a good one but he has a particularly short temper, especially when it came to Matsuda.

"Cut it out with all the kissy dating Misamisa crap!" He yelled with the fury of hell itself and slammed his fist on the table.

Temari looked down at the ground, "I'm sorry, Aizawa."

"You aren't the problem, Temari." Aizawa answered through gritted teeth, shooting a dirty look at Matsuda, "But I think I know what is." He pointed at the door, "Misa it's time for you to go to your room."

"But whyyyy?" She clung to Light's arm before being forcibly detached by a very frustrated Aizawa.

He ignored her protests and removed her from the room, securely locking the door behind him and chuckling evilly. Temari started to wonder if he was possibly a reincarnated version of Satan.

"Thank you for that, Aizawa." Ryuzaki said, "Now that Misa is taken care of, are there any questions?"

Aizawa smiled wide and placed his hands on Ryuzaki and Light's shoulders. Now Temari was certain that he was some sort of a creature from the underworld. No normal person could change temperaments that quickly.

"I am suddenly feeling very motivated to solve this case. Ryuzaki, Light, Mogi," He paused for a few seconds, "Temari. Let's bring Kira to justice!"

"Excuse me." Matsuda piped up, "I think you forgot my name."


QOTD: team l or team kira? 

im team l all the way

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