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"Vroom!" Near ran his car up the ramp he created out of oversized building blocks, "Vroom!"

Like most of his creations, this metropolis took surrounded him and took up well over five square feet of space. However, Near wasn't satisfied. His preferred stacking his dice but there wasn't enough of them to create a something as big as he wanted it to be.

"Near, here are the toys you wanted." Rester handed the boy a pair of toy robots, "Can I ask you a question? What do you make of all of this? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the case."

"The current Kira is foolish and overconfident." Near answered and fiddled with the robot, "He's also unusually cooperative with the task force. I think that he's working with them."

"Really? You think so?"

Near nodded, "That would make the second L and Kira the same person."

"What?" Rester shouted in surprise, "Are you serious?"

"Yes." Near replied, "But having said that, I must admit that I am only seven percent certain. But don't worry Commander Rester, making assumptions are part of every investigation. If we're wrong all it would cost is an apology."


"Kira's Kingdom. What a stupid name." Aizawa sneered, "If anyone deserves to be killed by Kira, it's this guy."

Temari grimaced and looked away from the monstrosity of a TV program. Besides, all the sparkles were starting to give her a headache.

"Trying to capture Kira is an unforgivable crime!" The idiotic man pressed, "If you know of anyone is doing so you have to bring them to justice!"

"Can we switch it back to press conference?" Matsuda asked, "The president of the United States is about to speak." Light nodded and switched the more formal program.

Matsuda tossed an apple in the air for Ryuk, "I wonder what it's about. They just said that it was some international announcement."

Ryuk dangled the apple above his mouth, "All you do is watch TV, isn't it?"

"Hey!" Matsuda grabbed the apple and took a bite out of it himself.

Temari shrugged, "Well, Ryuk isn't wrong. The TV is on all the time at your house. It keeps me up at night."

"I'm your guardian now, you need to tell me these things." Matsuda reminded her, "I feel bad though, you've been moved around so often."

The girl shook her head, "No it's okay. I don't mind"

"Guys, be quiet." Aizawa shushed them, "We're supposed to watching this, remember?"

Temari and Matsuda returned their attention to the screen in front of them. Cameras flashed as the president of the United States stepped up the podium with a pair of Secret Service agents.

"Alright. I'm going to try to keep this brief. The United States will no longer oppose Kira."

"Dammit! Those cowards!" Light exclaimed and slammed his fists on the table.

America. Kira brought the greatest country in the world to its knees. Temari couldn't believe it. America was supposed to be a place of freedom, a place where people could live without fear. To think that even this great country could fall like this was repulsive.

"Justice? Do I think that Kira is justice? I've never said that but because of Kira war and conflict have almost ceased to exist. Criminal organizations are in a state of ruin, not just here but in all free nations." The president said, "Anyone that defies Kira head-on will be killed, that's a fact. We're not trying to acknowledging Kira as a symbol of justice, we are just saying that as a country we will not do anything to oppose him."

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