月光 - Moonlight

139 9 5

Temari groaned and put her chopsticks down, "I give up."

She switched over to the common household spoon and tried to salvage whatever warmth was left of her microwaved ramen. Since moving to Japan she decided to master the art of chopstick eating. Unfortunately, that wasn't as going as well as she had hoped.

"Hello?" A familiar voice said and knocked on the door, "May I come in?"

Ryuzaki? What was he doing here? Temari opened the door to find just the man she was thinking of. She looked around the hallway. Light was nowhere to be seen.

"There's a dessert shop I wanted to visit." Ryuzaki said, "I was wondering if you wanted to come with me."

Temari nodded, "I'd love to. But shouldn't you be with Light?"

"Watari is watching him through the security cameras." He explained, "We have to go quickly. The shop closes at 21:00, it's already 20:25."

The girl grabbed a sweatshirt and they went on their way. The crisp air brushed against her exposed skin, raising goosebumps. But it felt good to Temari. She liked feeling the wind blow against her face, it made her feel freedom that she'd never quite experienced before.

""Hey Ryuzaki?"


"Thank you for everything."

"That sounds oddly morbid. Are you feeling okay?"

Temari laughed, "I'm fine, Ryuzaki. I'm just thankful that I'm here, you know? That I have you and Light and Uncle Matsu, that we're happy."

"Happy." Ryuzaki said thoughtfully, "I think I'm happy too."

They stopped in front of a small shop with a bright pink sign. A small bell rang as the door opened and the two entered the sweet smelling building. Temari just knew she'd love this place. The walls were painted vibrant colors and the cakes in the display cases looked delicious. Jars of candy lined the counter.

"Welcome to Pink Velvet Bakery!" A boy about thirteen waved, "What are you guys in the mood for today?"

"Do you have any strawberry shortcake?" Ryuzaki asked.

The boy nodded, "Yes we do. Would you like it for here or to go?"

"That sounds delightful, and to go. Temari what would you like?"

"I think I'll just have a kilogram of those green tea chocolates." Temari answered.

"Alright, that'll be 1000 yen."

Ryuzaki reached into his pockets and pulled out handfuls of coins. They made little jingling sounds as they hit the hard countertop. Temari groaned. She should have made sure that Ryuzaki was prepared and wouldn't have anything embarrassing.

"It seems that I only have coins with me today." Ryuzaki remarked, "Oh well."

"I'm so sorry." Temari apologized quickly and tried organize the money, "Ryuzaki doesn't have the best, uh, social skills."

The boy shook his head, "No it's okay. It'll be easier to get exact change anyway. I'm Shikamaru Kurasawa, by the way."

"Temari." The girl introduced herself. She held up a 500 yen coin, "Can you find another one of these?"

"I don't think so, but there's five 100 yen ones. That should do it."

Shikamaru took the money he needed and nudged the rest towards Ryuzaki, who put it in his pockets again.

"You guys can take a seat while I get your food." Shikamaru offered, "It won't take long."

They decided to sit at the table closest to the counter. Ryuzaki crouched in his seat like usual, prompting Temari to lay her head down on the table in frustration.

"Ryuzaki, this is why we never take you anywhere."

A medium sized cardboard box, small bag of candy, and styrofoam cup were placed in front of them on the table. Ryuzaki eagerly opened the box that held his cake and took the first bite. Temari took her candy but she didn't remembering ordering a drink.

"The hot chocolate is on the house." Shikamaru explained and hurried into the backroom of the shop, "Have a nice night!"

Temari said nothing and took the cup as they departed. She certainly wasn't going to pass up a nice drink. The hot chocolate was warm and creamy, just like Watari's. Upon closer inspection, Temari noticed there was something written in black marker on the styrofoam.

Come back soon! – Shikamaru

She smiled. Shikamaru was a nice boy. Maybe they could end up being friends in the future.

"That was excellent shortcake." Ryuzaki said and disposed of his now empty container in a nearby trash can, "I will have to tell Watari to get the desserts for this week from here. So, that boy seemed awfully fond of you."

Temari shrugged, "I guess. The hot chocolate is good. I got the candy for Light; I'll give them to him tomorrow."

Ryuzaki stopped walking and looked her straight in the eye, "I once told Light that he was my friend. That was a lie. Temari, please be careful around Light. I believe he is Kira. Kira wouldn't hesitate to kill the people he is close to if they posed any kind of a threat to him. Watari had your and Saya's last names changed from Penber to Lawlight, which is my last name, so you two are protected from Kira. Don't ever tell him that."

"I understand." Temari answered, "But I am almost as close to Light as I am to you. I'll protect myself the best I can without pushing him away."

"Look at the lights, Temari." Ryuzaki said softly, "Look at the happiness and hope in each one. Kira will break and steal them. I don't want that to happen."

Temari turned her head to gaze at the brightness of the city below. It was then that she noticed that they had walked to the top of a hill. Ryuzaki sat down, actually sat, not crouched. It was then that she smiled and took her place beside him.

She could see the happiness and hope that Ryuzaki was talking about. In the darkness of night Tokyo shone so brightly. It was a city of dreams, a city of opportunity. A city that not even Kira could grasp. Tokyo belonged to the Japanese task force. They would protect justice and fight for what was right until the very end.


the song for this chapter is chasing cars by snow patrol

anyway.......im gonna put a little discourse here.........but in the bonus volume of death note the writer tsugmi ohba said that they thought of L as "a huge liar" and that he was most likely lying to light when he said that he was his friend and in my personal headcanon L really didn't like light at all so oops

QOTD: favorite anime genre?

mine is mystery/suspense but romantic comedy places a close second

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