始まり - Beginning

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"Temari! I'm home." Matsuda called and tossed his coat on the ground, "I know that I'm late and I'm sorry, but I picked up some mochi!  Do you want the strawberry or green tea ones?" Having received no answer, he cautiously made his way over to her room, "Temari? You alive in there?"

Passing the kitchen table, he noticed a piece of paper set below the frame. Only two sentences were written

Call Gevanni

I love you

Matsuda's eyes widened in fear as he pulled out his cellphone and dialed the corresponding number at an alarming rate.

"Gevanni! You have to put me through to Near!"

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence on the other end, "Yeah, I can't exactly do that for you. Near is currently in a plane to California."

"A-A plane?" The man's blood ran cold, "Is Temari with him?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

Matsuda froze, feeling like the wind had just been knocked out of him. Temari was going to America. She had left them all behind with the snap of a finger.  What was she thinking? How could she do this to the people that love her?

"Uh, Matsuda? Are you still there?" Gevanni asked, "Look, if you come over to HQ there is a chance that I can get you through to Near. Don't worry, Temari is safe. She has Rester, Halle, and Near with her. She'll be okay."

The near exhausted man nodded and hung up. He proceeded to run as fast as he could, tears falling all the while. He couldn't believe that she had done this. Temari ran away. She ran away from everyone, from her family, from him. Matsuda told L that he would take care of Temari and Saya. He vowed that he would protect them with his very life. Matsuda refused to let himself fail like this.

After one hell of a workout, Matsuda entered SPK headquarters stumbled his way towards the dark haired man taking down the computer system.

"Gevanni!" He grasped the taller man's forearm, "I-I need to ask you a favor."

"What is it?" Gevanni asked, "And I've set up the connection, but it's not getting through. I could try-"

"Stop talking." Matsuda collapsed to the ground, completely out of breath, "You're going back to America with Temari, r-right?"

"Yes." Gevanni helped the older man to his feet, "You look awful." He supported Matsuda with his shoulder and helped him over to a nearby couch, "You should rest. What is it that you want me to do?"

"Temari." Matsuda panted, "She's my niece. You have to look after her. I promised L.....that she would be safe....."

"You have nothing to worry about. Temari will be just fine. I'll email you with updates as often as I can." Gevanni assured him.

Matsuda closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "D-Do you promise?"

"Yes. I promise."

Gevanni got a bottle of water from the fridge for the overworked man, who downed it all in several gulps. They sat in silence for a little while until Matsuda's breathing returned to normal. Gevanni pulled his bangs over his eyes, unsure of exactly how to comfort the man.

"You know, she wants to become a CIA agent." He finally said, "I still technically work in the FBI, which is closely connected to CIA, so I know exactly what it takes to become successful in the bureau. I believe that without a doubt Temari will become an excellent agent. Although I don't exactly agree with her current methods, I think that her future is bright. You should be nothing but proud of her."

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